Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunshine Again But Storms Tonight

Another lovely day. The pool was around 23 this morning after my 13.5k bike ride. We are in storm season right now so we could be in line for a thunder storm this evening.

Last night we watched the new "Wall Street" movie. I reckon my mate, drinking partner and financial advisor John Logan would love it. It mentions the US sub-prime disaster heaps of times. John also mentions it heaps of times and believes there is still more to come. The movie only scores 6.7 and we usually prefer movies to be more than 7 but I reckon it was better than that score. We really enjoyed the movie. Watch it and check it out.

I am getting into summer mode. The pool was vacuumed and the garden watered well before I headed off on today's bike ride.

Our new small shopping centre here is due to partially open on November 1st.

The new Supermarket is still a month or so away. Click HERE to check it out. You may have to click on "Back" to return to this page.

I put another brew on today so more bottle washing and bottling to happen during the week. This lot should put me right up to date ready for summer time.

Trish is off to the Tourist Info Centre this afternoon for 4 hours volunteer work. I am hoping the cricket from India will be on TV. However more rain is forecast for the game so it mightn't get a start on time.

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