Monday, October 04, 2010

Glorious Weather

The school holidays are just over and the weather has really turned around. A lovely mid 20's day today after a bit of a gloomy (and showery) fortnight. I did the 13k bike ride this morning and even ventured into the pool for a quick swim. The water is back under 22 degrees after the recent cooler weather so the swim didn't take up too much time.

Even took half an hour and put yet another brew on. This one is a lager "Gold" but I have used brown sugar this time instead of the usual white refined sugar. Lovely warm weather means it should begin to bubble fairly quickly. As usual this means a bottle washing and a bottling later in the week.

The Commonwealth games are on in New Delhi India and we have subscribed for the 6 extra channels through the Pay TV. Coverage usually begins about 1 pm our time here so it is perfect for armchair comfort. The cricket from India is on Pay TV too!

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