Monday, October 11, 2010

Bottling, Rain & Recovery

The rain has continued to fall here on what was once known as "The Sunshine Coast". I keep the rainfall figures 'online' HERE. Since the rain started overnight Thursday we have had a total of 209 mls in the last four days. In the old terms this is getting close to 8.5 inches of rain. And October is meant to be a dry time of the year. The above link shows the average total rainfall for October is usually around 81 mls, we had almost that monthly average total overnight last night!

On Sunday afternoon we went around to good friends' Paul and Linda's home to help Paul celebrate his 61st birthday with a dozen or so people. It was a great night, plenty of home brew, a few red wines and numerous yarns and jokes. We enjoyed some home made 'finger food' too. Linda always prepares tasty things to eat. The overnight rain had its good points this morning as it was too wet for me to ride so a recovery sleep in was enjoyed.

Trish eventually headed off to Gym this morning which left me alone at home to 'bottle'. I am using large Coca Cola type bottles for this bottling. Each 1.25 bottle is the equivalent to about 3 stubbies. The bottling did not go smoothly be I eventually got there in the end. The wet weather means both cricket and Commonwealth Games on TV will be how the wet afternoon will be spent today!

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