Friday, March 07, 2008


Friday morning Trish and I were baby sitting again. It was my job to take Charli to daycare while Trish looked after James. Kate visited her school where she worked out what she would be doing when she returns to work next term, two days per week.

From there it was to a 'late lunch' with Eddie and his lovely wife Patsy. Eddie was my 'principal' when I taught at a school near where we lived in Victoria. We have always got on very well and this friendship has continued into both our retirements. Eddie was caught up early in the day with elderly relatives which was then complicated with running grandchildren around. We decided on a 2:30 late Vietnamese lunch.

We were a little early getting to the Restaurant in Springvale so we popped into the market to purchase some Asian spices. This shopping complex is quite unbelievable, for all intents and purposes you would imagine that you are back in Saigon in Vietnam. This is a mixed business within the shopping centre while the photo below shows a butcher's produce on display for sale. Click on the pictures for a larger view!

But the best spot of all is the Fish market. Most forms of seafood are available from this shop. All sorts of shell fish, crabs, oysters, prawns, octopus and varieties of fish I had never even heard of. There were fish heads for fish head soup, everything you could think of was available to buy!

Then we met with Eddie and Patsy for a scrumptious Vietnamese meal. Here we are enjoying Vietnamese Spring Rolls, furthest away. Beside that is salt and pepper squid and nearest the camera is spicy pork. Later we had Spicy Ginger and Lemon Grass chicken and Hokkien Fried Rice!

Upon our arrival back at Berwick we were greeted by two more friends June and Keith who had popped in for quick chat and a few drinks. Kate and Arj left us with the two kids while they headed into the city to see a concert by an international pop group "Toto".

Trish and I will sleep very well tonight!

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