Friday, March 14, 2008

Back On The Sunshine Coast

Wednesday in Melbourne was quiet, giving us a chance to complete a few final things which needed doing at the last moment. Kate took Charli to a "PlaySchool" concert so we looked after James. He has developed a cold too (just like Trish and me) so was a little on the miserable side.

Our final favorite eatery The Palms was the scene for a last evening meal together. Kate, Arj and Family joined us and Kim as we headed off for one last feast! As I have said before about The Palms, it is a collection of 5 small Indian and Malaysian businesses selling hawker style food in an air conditioned hall. There is table service available. You head off to your 'favorite' vendor and order what you want. A few minutes later it arrives at the table ready to enjoy. This photo looks to one end of the hall and shows the Sri Lankan Vegetarian and the Indian vendors.

James isn't too sure what chopsticks are for but he knows they have something to do with going in your mouth!

We arrived back at Kilbride Crt on the Sunshine Coast after a 2 hour flight mid afternoon on Thursday, very tired. It has been a hectic 9 days or so and we saw so many people this trip, more than we usually do. It was lots of fun for us. An early evening meal, a movie and then bed!

This morning Friday was time to get the washing machine into operation. We both have our 'normal' cold following a trip to Melbourne and feeling a little the worse for wear. A few days rest and we will be fine. Trish has gone to Quilters Club today.

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