Tuesday, March 25, 2008

After Easter

The long Easter weekend has come and gone. It took one traveller 5 hours to return to his Brisbane home from a weekend on the Sunshine Coast yesterday, the traffic was so heavy! For him the travel distance would have been about 120 kms. This gives you an idea of just how busy our area gets over holiday periods such as Easter. To cap it off the weather for the first three days was just perfect with warm temps, sunny skies and plenty of surf. Yesterday's light showers did not add to driver comfort for the trip back to Brisbane.

It was a good weekend for us to stay at our home. With the start of the AFL footy season and with live television coverage of all 8 matches on our TV this was not hard for me to do!

I did venture out Saturday morning to the Computer Club which I enjoyed very much. However it is disappointing to hear constant reminders of the dangers of the internet, of viruses, rootkits and the like making everyday browsing almost a life and death matter. I reckon my computer provides me with heaps of fun and enjoyment and I don't see my daily internet 'browsing' as a 'health hazard". After all the worst that can happen is you can get a computer infection which requires the hard disk to be reformatted, not that your computer will explode and you will be blasted to oblivion!

We enjoyed some bike rides over the weekend. As our estate continues to grow, so the bike pathway network is expanded providing a range of biking routes available to us. And when the weather is perfect, an early morning ride is a fantastic experience.

Kate, Arj along with Charli and James arrive this morning to spend a week with us. Trish is very excited!

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