Sunday, March 09, 2008

Rainy's 50th Birthday Party

After rising a little later on Saturday morning after a hectic Friday, we set off to Fountain Gate Shopping Centre for a couple of 'requirements'. Two "Gelseat seat covers", one for each of our bikes, and a few other oddments later we returned to home. That afternoon I watched some cricket at two of my former stamping grounds and caught up with some friends from years ago before returning to Berwick to get ready to drive to Drouin for Rainy's 50th birthday, the main reason for a trip to Melbourne.

The party was lots of fun and had a 'bad taste' theme. We gave Rainy a pastel framed drawing of her dog which was professionally drawn by another of our friends Anne Atkin. The night was a trip down memory lane catching up with friends from over the previous 35 years! We saw former neighbours and others. Good friends Russell and Irene were there as was my friend and financial advisor John Logan. The recent sharemarket downturn meant John was doing it tough with all of his customers undergoing losses. He takes their financial problems as his own personal problems so is feeling the stress of the situation.

There was lots of drinking, eating, chatting, singing happy birthday and laughing all night. We got to bed (we slept at our hosts home) at 2:30 am while some others continued to party on. There were some great outfits worn by guests. We were up and at it again by 9 am on Sunday, once again with a cool beer in hand! I am getting a bit old for this sort of thing! However it was great fun.

The weather was perfect, low 20's until after midnight when it began to cool off a little more.

We drove back to Berwick mid afternoon ready for another good night's sleep! We have a family get together planned for tomorrow (a public holiday in Victoria) and a high of 35 degrees is expected!

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