Monday, March 31, 2008

More Outings!

Over the weekend the family took a trip to the rain forest reserve known locally as Mary Cairncross Reserve. There is a rain forest walk here and the family enjoyed a stroll through the tall rainforest trees. There was a playground there too which Charli loved and later they visited the hinterland town of Maleny, best known (from our point of view) for its Gelati shop! Again the kids loved it.

The weather has been cool in the mornings but delightful during the day with temps around 27 during the afternoon. Sunday's bike ride with Arj nearly killed me, too old for those big hills I am afraid!

The rainforest walk and visit was all very tiring so both Charli and James slept well during Sunday afternoon. After waking up there was just enough time for another playground trip and a swing and a climb on the playground equipment. James cackled through his first ever time on a swing!

Some of the neighbourhood flowering trees around are in bloom and I caught this Corella dining out on some nectar. It is the first chance I have had to really test out the zoom on the new camera. One downside to the new camera is that it seems to chew through batteries pretty quickly. I will need a fist full of rechargeables when we head away!

This morning they are all back to King's beach and the water feature there. Tonight we head out to our favorite local Thai restaurant. It will be a 'double' drive to get us all there safely.

Another one of my friends from Melbourne has been amazed at the free service "Skype" provides. Jan installed Skype yesterday afternoon and we made contact even though at this stage she doesn't have a webcam with microphone. However she was still able to hear and see us and was able to communicate with us via 'messaging'. Today I think she is off to "Officeworks" and buying a Logitech IM Webcam. I paid over $70 for mine but "Officeworks" has them on special at the moment for about $40!

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