Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Almost Time To Fly Home

As Predicted, Monday was stinking hot getting to over 38 degrees. The Family BBQ at Kim's unit was put on hold till late afternoon which proved to be an excellent idea. Some of the family went to the nearby beach for a quick swim. When it is 38 in Melbourne there is usually a strong north wind and Monday was no different. The beach was not a comfortable place to be so they were back early. In true Melbourne style a cool change blew in late in the day sending the temperature tumbling to the low 20's. No wonder I have a bit of a cold!

The BBQ was great and it was good to have the family (and others as some extras came along too) together. We had plenty to eat and the kids had a great time.

On Tuesday I spent much of the day helping a friend Jan with her computer. She is getting involved with downloading movies. I copied most of my downloaded movies to her add on drive and then we were able to get Utorrent up and running. She was amazed at what stuff was available for torrent downloads.

That night we caught up with other friends for a meal at Malaysia Garden. I first met the two friends seen here enjoying 'Malaysia Garden Fish' in Kuala Lumpur when organizing an ISSE school exchange between Australia and Malaysia. They were best friends there. Now Gerry (the fair lady wearing a black top in this photo) has her two daughters studying here at Universities in Melbourne from Malaysia so had flown out for a quick 'shopping' visit. Maree and husband Cyril have moved to live in Melbourne from KL. Both their husbands (Billy and Cyril) had met while studying in England years ago. Cyril regularly commutes from Melbourne to KL where he continues to run his legal business.

It was a great night as we relived old times and caught up on each other's family news. It has been some time since we had seen Gerry and we were lucky to catch her in Melbourne while we were 'down south' too.

A quieter day is in store today as we finalize things prior to flying home tomorrow. I have a cold but it is improving, Trish has a sore throat and baby James is a bit miserable too. Tonight we are off to "The Palms" (another Asian eatery) for tea with the family.

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