Thursday, April 09, 2015

One More Sleep To Go

It is Thursday morning and we really have the best part of two full days still to go before we depart our home around 4pm for Brisbane Airport and our flight to Barcelona, via Dubai.

I left the teaching service all those years ago following a stress related illness.  Once you have had an episode the stress illness lurks within you for the rest of your life.

Something quite minor can set it off again while something which you suspect could set it off passes you by without any problem.

I have been to my Chiro several times with a very sore shoulder and each time she has endeavoured to fix it only for the pain to return a day or so later.

Then the 'tension attack' struck yesterday. I awoke around 4 am hot and sweaty and feeling quite strange.  It lasted for an hour or so until I began to feel better again.  I had experienced a relatively minor re visit of my stress related illness.  I took my regular tablets and a muscle relaxant I have.  I even dozed off again later as I recovered. However when I did get up and dressed, I felt quite washed out.

I am sure that once I get to the airport all will be fine again.

We managed a quick trip to our GP who suggested my painful shoulder was most likely caused by tension.  I am now on some very light medication.  My shoulder still hurts a little bit but I just don't care! I again feel I am in control.

It was a weird feeling!

So the bags are almost packed, final washing of sheets etc is being completed and the fridge is being emptied of stuff that won't last the couple of months we are away.

Once we arrive in Barcelona on Saturday afternoon we head off first thing Sunday morning on our 9 day tour of Spain.  We have some basic internet access on the bus so we will be able to receive and send emails. Hopefully there will times when we have free internet access at different spots all along our trip.

We are both taking our phones.  I will remove my SIM card when we board the plane and only use it on wifi.  We have a travel sim which Trish will have in her phone.  Hopefully we can work out how to set it up when we are away.

As well a our phones we are both taking our "computer tablets" and Trish's laptop.  So we should be well served electronically while away.  Our black spot will most likely be on the 24 day cruise.  Kate and Arj have excellent internet so we will be back and fully online when there.

I now have some more packing to do.

1 comment:

Texas Lou said...

I am glad that you printed your schedule as I plan to follow along and know where you are. Will be looking forward to your posts and pictures. You are certainly going to be gone a long time. I don't think that I could physically hold up to such a long excursion. Of course we are ahead of you and Trish both in the age department. Have the trip of a lifetime. Texas Lou