Monday, April 20, 2015

More From Barcelona

Our hotel (which we booked ourselves) is a little lower standard than what we had enjoyed on the Insight Bus Tour we just did.  The room though comfortable isn't to the same high standard.  The Bar Fridge doesn't work properly, there are screwholes left in walls etc just to give you an inkling as to what we are referring to.

We have just returned to our room after fending for ourselves for an evening meal.  We probably should have paid that little extra and had a really good meal rather than find something less expensive.

Now to the train trip to get here.  The photo above left shows what the speed reading was soon after we departed from Madrid.  Yes, that is correct, we were doing 300kph in the train.

The countryside just flashed by.  The route was over 500k's and we did it in 2 1/2 hours.  We actually slowed down a little towards the end of the trip so as not to be early!

It was great.

Our final dinner with the tour group on Saturday Night was one to remember. The competition for tour groups must be great because I certainly don't remember as many 'included' drinks as we enjoyed on this trip.  There was a couple of nights I really enjoyed myself, (possibly too much) at the expense of the tour operator.

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining! 

We are not sure what we are going to do about laundry.  We have some stuff to wash but when we made inquiries about a laundromat we go nowhere with one shop assistant.  Maybe the front desk will be more helpful tomorrow.

Bedtime beckons!

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