Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Into Naples

A cloudy morning was around as we greeted Mt Vesuvius in the Bay of Naples on Monday morning. 

Despite the less than perfect weather the sight was unforgettable and will be one etched in my mind for ever.
We were planning to live dangerously and use a tour company not organised by the ship. The tour would take us to the Amalfi Coast, Sorrento and finally a tour of Pompeii.

The rain was falling as around 20 in the party headed to the bus. I bought an umbrella for 3 Euros which helped keep me dry for the 150m dash to the bus.  Once on the bus we didn't see another drop of rain until we were back on board the ship after 5pm.

Seeing Pompeii was to be a highlight of the whole trip. Of the three things we did today, seeing Pompeii ranked third.

Easily the best was the Amalfi Coast. The spectacular road along the side of steep mountains overlooking crystal clear sea water was just stunning. The famous Great Ocean Rd in Victoria runs a distant second to what we saw today.

Sorrento was interesting too.

Pompeii was great as well but not as good as we had expected. I thought there would be more to see at Pompeii such as re constructed house and town scenes. There was kilometre after kilometre of destroyed homes and major buildings. But it is another thing crossed off the list of things to do.

We had WiFi at the restaurant where we had lunch but with 4 or 5 tour groups there having lunch the WiFi was good enough to download emails but not good enough to upload several new blog posts I have in the wings.

I did read an email from Kate saying she would meet us around 3:30pm when we fly in in a few weeks time. 


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