Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Shippers, Packers And Removalists

D-Day, the day Kate, Arj and the kids fly out to take up their two year teaching appointment in Saudi Arabia is getting closer! They fly out at 10:40pm on Saturday!

The "Shippers" are here right now, packing the 800kg of luggage, some which is to be shipped by air to Saudi Arabia.  This will possibly arrive in a couple of weeks, the rest will arrive up to 2 months later.  The guys have done this so many times before it is pretty straight forward for them to do.

The bikes have been partially dismantled and packed ready for shipping. The photo shows one of the piles of boxes ready to go!

Tomorrow we have the 'Packers" coming.  It is their job to 'pack' all the gear which is going into storage for the time they are away.  This will include furniture and the like.  Then Thursday morning the removalists will descend upon the house to load everything into their truck to put in storage.

Two lots of people who are prospective renters appeared for an inspection of the house late Monday afternoon.  Both seemed keen and are completing 'applications'.  Their rental record will be inspected as well as their ability to pay and hopefully the house will then be rented.

Arj and I set up "Viber" accounts on our phones yesterday so we can have some contact while they are away.  I am sure we will refine this when they get there and check out what others do at the school to keep in touch.

Yesterday afternoon I caught up with good mate Gordon and we enjoyed a catch up of old times and a couple of beers. Gordon and his wife Anne (with whom I taught for many many years) are holidaying on the Sunshine Coast in a week or so and we will catch them again shortly.  Gordon was the Assistant Principal for some of my time at Doveton North Primary School.

Tonight it is an evening meal with Keith and June, tomorrow (Wednesday) an evening meal with Pat and Graeme.  Keith and June may be looking after the kids' car.  It seems it fits into their garage OK which really takes the pressure off their need to sell it.

Today it really is keeping out of the way and helping as required!

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