Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Foggy Morning

The weather continues cool and overcast.  It wasn't quite so cold last night but it is cold and dreary looking outside this morning.

On Wednesday the kids took the opportunity to go to Mt Donna Buang and the snow.  They don't get that much snow in Saudi Arabia and it was a first time occasion for Charli and James.  The arrived back home mid afternoon after being wet and cold up in the frozen snow.

But the grand kids loved it.  Snow isn't my nor Trish's scene I am afraid.

I did grab a GPS for the car yesterday.  We don't rely on them a lot but they are handy when on a long trip.  The older one doesn't have 'map updates'.  On the way down from Caloundra there were quite a few occasions when it said "Recalculating" as a new section of road had the GPS thinking we were driving across open paddocks!

Also the speed zones were way out of date and this made quite a difference to any estimated time of arrival.  It is handy to be able to glance down and see exactly what the speed limit is if you have missed the sign.

There are also times when Trish heads into Brisbane and we don't know our way around that part of the world at all.  It will therefore be handy for some trips.  Lane guidance will also be great.  It comes with life time map updates which will keep the thing relevant for longer.

I picked this one up for $125, while at Dick Smith it was on sale for $199!  Another store had it for $168.

Last night we caught up with friends Eddie and Patsy.  This time we went to their 'favorite' Vietnamese restaurant just a little out of Springvale called the Minh-Ky in Springvale South.  This restaurant specializes in Roast Duck.

They had never tried Roast Duck before so it was a new and extremely pleasant experience for them.  They loved it!  It isn't too good for the cholesterol level though!

It was a great night made even better because our table was almost directly under the reverse cycle air conditioner ceiling outlet and we were lovely and warm.

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