Saturday, July 12, 2014

Extra Cold Overnight

It seems this morning (Saturday) was Brisbane's coldest morning for over a 100 years.  It sure felt like it too!  I don't remember ever having it so cold here especially early in the mornings and for such an extended length of time as the last few weeks.

There may have been only one or so mornings where it was into double figures it has been so cold.  The wind is usually a bit blowy and creates an 'apparent temperature' well below whatever the thermometre is saying!

Fortunately the days are usually OK with tops from 20 to 23.  There is lots of lovely sunshine and if you can get out of the wind it is extremely pleasant.

But those mornings!

It has put a real dampener onto my bike riding.  If it isn't too windy I get out for a ride after 10 am!

We went around to Kerrie and Ian's on Wednesday evening with other friends to watch the final Rugby League State Of origin match for the 2014 season.  It was a fun night out, probably a little too much fun judging by the way I felt to watch the World Cup game at 6 am on Thursday!

On Thursday I helped a mate set up his new laptop which kept me busy.  Friday was busy as well tidying up loose ends for the Community Association prior to us heading south on Tuesday morning.

As the photo above shows the portable "Waeco" fridge has been setup and is just about ready to go.  We tend to take the Waeco if we go south by car as it gives us the option of taking some of our own drinks, snack etc.

I mowed the lawn yesterday as well so I have only the car to tidy up a little and give the pool a good clean and my major chores are all up to date.

Computer Club was busy again with lots of little things here and there to do.  There were some questions I just couldn't help with, mainly to do with some android tablet apps.  One lady did enjoy being shown all the little goodies that are available with a Google account.  She was looking forward to having a play with them over the next few days!

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