Friday, July 04, 2014

One Down, One To Go!

With Trish heading off to Quilters this morning, I decided to wait and not venture out for my daily bike ride, just in case any of the parcels I was expecting was delivered.  It is a warmer and sunny day today but I did have a bottling to get done as well. 

And then I had a lengthy report to get onto the Community Association website following a Community Forum we attended last night.

And it worked out well as one parcel was delivered.

But first things first.  I did have a bottling to get sorted.  I wasn't in a rush so it was a great job to do today.  After sitting on an uncomfortable chair for around 3 hours at the Forum last night my back was best described as 'tender'.  However a "Mobic" tablet fixed that.

The bottling was all completed and things were cleaned by 10:30.  It is a gorgeous day again and not quite as cold as previous days.  The garage where I do the bottling gets the early sun and it was quite pleasant pouring away and screwing tops onto bottles.

It is all done now and the container is drying in the sun outside.

And the tablet holder arrived.  I set it up and it looks quite OK.  Now all I need is for the thing to work properly.  It has toppled over once so far but maybe I didn't hold the suction cup down hard enough the first time.

It is now a little more strategically placed with a softer landing available in case the suction cup gives way again.

It will be a little trial and error I guess.  But what can you expect for $10 delivered from China!

A day or so ago we finished watching the TV Series "House Of Cards".  We just loved it.  If you get the chance, have a look at it.

Kevin Spacey is the star and he plays Frank Underwood, an unscrupulous US politician.

At the end of Series 2 he had just been appointed as the new US President!

Series 3 should be good!

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