Sunday, June 29, 2014

It Isn't Warm!

Don't let the bright blue sunny sky here this morning fool you!

It isn't even 17º outside and it is almost 11 am.  The wind, not breeze today, the wind is a lazy one as it blows straight through you!  The thought of a bike ride lingered on my mind for around 5 seconds and then promptly disappeared.  Cold temperatures and a brisk wind are not a good mix for a bike ride!

My second brew is bubbling away quietly but the cool weather isn't good for me enjoying the odd ale or two!  I need a few more empty bottles before I can bottle wash early next week.  But I may have to force myself just so I have enough empties!

The brew continues to be well rugged up to keep the temperature up so the brew can work properly.

We watched plenty of footy yesterday afternoon and evening, especially the game from Brisbane which was played in very wet rainy and cold weather after half time.  That wet weather arrived here an hour or so later but just gave us a few mls of rain.  It did usher in the wind change though and gave us the cooler weather we can expect for the next few days.

We are currently watching the Kevin Spacey TV Series, "House of Cards".  It is a political story set in USA and tells of the plotting and skulduggery which allegedly goes on in a tough political arena.  It has got both Trish and I hooked at the moment.  What with footy, House of Cards and Wimbledon there is heaps to watch on TV.

This morning I was up at 6 am to watch the World Cup soccer from Brazil as well.

Next door have a large dog.  It tends to bark extremely infrequently when they are not home.  The neighbour wasn't at all pleased when I told him of a worse than ever episode which occurred on Friday night when they were out.  He told me it was a dog and that dogs bark, I told him the dog was his, he was responsible for it and he should accept the responsibility which goes with being a dog owner.

We agreed to differ.  We haven't seen or heard from the dog since!  It does rush up to fence between our two homes and can startle you from time to time, especially if you have forgotten it is there.  The couple of trips I have had to make outside today have all been quiet.

I wonder what he would think if his elderly parents were in our shoes and whether his stance on this issue would be any different. I seem to think it would.

I enjoy my lifestyle here too much not to put up with anything which could unreasonably interrupt it.

We get a fair bit of kid noise but that goes with the territory.  Kid noise is fine, I worked with it for 40 years and it helps to keep you smiling, but I do draw the line at untrained and undisciplined barking dogs!

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