Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I Had a Thought

Always a problem when either Trish or I 'have an idea'.

But before that.  It is a wonderful winters day in this part of the world.  There is hardly a cloud in a beautiful blue sky and the temp is around 23 degrees.  The front and back doors are wide open to allow the warm outside air to go through the house.  It is a superb day.

The World Cup soccer on TV has turned my day upside down.  Each morning at this stage of the competition there is a live game on telly here at around 8 am.  This is usually when I am bike riding or checking emails or downloads on the internet.

So a daily international soccer match live on TV tends to set me behind schedule just a little bit.  But this is a drama I can handle OK.  I ride after the soccer has finished which ensures the day has warmed up from what has been a chilly 7 or 8 degree start!

We are beginning to get into the mode of preparing to go to Melbourne.  This time we are driving down and the main purpose is to farewell Kate, Arj and the grand kids as they set off for a 2 year teaching posting in Saudi Arabia.  They leave late on August 2nd.

As we are driving the car down this time it means I can take some of my own home brew with me.  A full home brew batch is the equivalent of five dozen stubbies or around $100 worth of beer.

Home brew however means I need to reuse the bottles and I wasn't fussed about bringing 60 empty bottles back with me!

I was due to get underway with bottle washing today, so late yesterday I changed my mind and had to hurriedly prepare 17 large Coca Cola or Pepsi Max bottles. When finished I can just put the empties in any recycling bin and not have to bring the bottles back with me.

The photo shows them drying in the sun today.

Trish organised a big day at Stitchers today with a red theme.  They had someone doing a presentation on a "Red Organisation" and I believe the morning went very well.

It is now a full week since I reformatted the old PC.  Most days I discover something else I still needed to install but that isn't a problem.

Right now it is running better than it has done for around 18 months.  I usually reformat after a couple of years but this time it went a little over 3 years.  The difference in how it runs from a couple of weeks ago is amazing.

One or two programs I used to have didn't work as well as I thought they should so I have switched to another program.  The biggest hassle was with an unpacking problem called Winrar which I used quite a lot during downloading stuff.  The reformatted PC would hang when a file was being extracted with Winrar.

Google came to my rescue.  This can be a bit of a problem as I read online that quite a few people had the same problem.

This was easily solved by just using another free extraction program called 7Zip. 7Zip evidently extracts stuff even more quickly than Winrar.

Everything is working very well at the moment!  (Touch Wood!)

Hi Lou Ann in Texas, I see you still give the blog a visit from time to time! 

Great to see you!


Texas Lou said...

Yes Les, I keep up with you all the time. We have already had some 100F days(38C) but now for the next week we will be about five degrees cooler. The air conditioner is keeping the house comfortable and I don't want to go out except early or late. My old computer died on May 16th so I was out of commission for ten days. We went to Abilene on May 26th for a doctor visit and afterwards went to Best Buy and I got a new HP (Hewlett Packard) with Windows 8.1. I can barely do e-mail and facebook. I have not figured out how to send or attach pictures yet. I think I am going to have to get the young woman who put it all together for me to come back and show me how to do things. She had my scanner running when she left, but I have not been able to find how to do it. I also remember your watch episode. Alton had the same problem at the same time as you. He only needs cheap watches with all the farming and dirty work that he does. We got him two for $15. Buy one for $10 and get the second half off.
By the way, my computer is HP Pavilion 500-214 desktop. AMD Elite Quad-Core A8-6500 Accelerated processor. 8GB DDR3 system memory, 2TB hard drive. I don't know if any of this data is good or bad, but thought you might understand it. I got the information from the box it came in. I bought two books about Windows 8.1, but I don't know if I will understand what they are writing about or not. I think having Sonya come back will be my best bet for learning to use this machine. I always enjoy your blog and wish I could join your computer club. I think these machines are wonderful for giving us the opportunity to get to know people from all over the world. Have a good time with your kids. I guess you and Trish will start planning a trip to Saudi at least by Christmas. I enjoy keeping up with you both. Texas Lou

Les & Trish Thomas said...

Lou Ann, I have lost your email address. Send me an email please.

Les & Trish Thomas said...

Or put your Skype on.