Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mid Week Update

The weather has been 'cool' for this part of the world.  We haven't bothered with the bedroom ceiling fan the last two nights which is a real indicator of just how mild it has been.  We still manage 30° or so each day but that sometimes happens in between the clouds and the occasional showers.

We headed back to the Tavern for tea last night but opted for the Parmigiana instead of the Steak.  This was an error, we should have stuck with the steak.  But still for the cost we certainly weren't hungry when we left.

Recently there has been plenty of cricket on TV for me to watch with games from NZ available via the Pay TV.

The Community Association continues to keep me very busy.  I did an interview yesterday for the local paper and we have been busy getting flyers organised for an upcoming forum on the Helicopter Noise Issue.

Today I washed bottles ready for the bottling.  We had a couple of showers first thing this morning so that delayed my ride.  I washed bottles instead and then rode later.  It is around lunchtime now and the bottles are all dry and have been put away ready for Friday's bottling.

My PC continues to cause some minor hassles.  I had some printer dramas yesterday but after re installing the printer software all worked well again.

Today I 'acquired' a later version of Windows 7 and I will be embarking on a re formatting of the PC sometime in the next few weeks.  I just need to maintain my backups to ensure all is OK when a major catastrophe hits (if it ever does).

Trish is at Stitchers today and is due home shortly.  She is visiting the Home Brew shop to get some mixer so I can make more Sambucca and Bourbon.  I received a 1125ml bottle of alcohol on Saturday from a Computer Club mate so it is time to mix up some new supplies.

I may take in some of the Women's Cricket match this afternoon when Australia meet England in a T20 match live from Hobart.  The men's teams then play later on this evening.

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