Sunday, January 26, 2014

Another Brew Is On

The pool is a wonderful asset at this time of the year.  It gets used daily and is a great spot for a quick 20 minute cool off as required.

Also the recent rain has been great as well.  We have had over 3.5" the last few days or so with most falling overnight.  I didn't ride on Friday as it was too wet.  Saturday is Computer Club day so I don't ride, but this morning (Sunday) I got almost 13k's in without a problem.  We have a very strong S/E wind blowing which means there may be a shower or two of rain around but it won't be too hot as the prevailing wind is coming in off the sea.

The helicopter issue remains simmering below the surface.  I was on the local TV News for a short resident's perspective of the problem with another member of the Community Association on Thursday evening.

At computer club a European guy came to me with a problem with his tablet.  He said he couldn't get into his Google account to get his emails.  It turned out he wasn't connected to the internet which is why he couldn't get his emails.  It does make you wonder doesn't it?

I put another brew on this morning so bottle washing and a bottling will follow later this week.

We had Friday drinks at our place.  Hopefully there wasn't a booze bus around about as several of our guests were severely affected when the left.  It is only a three minute drive for them but in retrospect we should have driven them.  I reckon Saturday would have been a quiet day for them!

I have cricket on the telly this afternoon and the men's tennis final from Melbourne is on tonight.  The day is organized then isn't it!

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