Sunday, October 13, 2013

Before And After

It is very breezy outside with a strong westerly wind giving us a hot dry day.  The day isn't too dissimilar to one of those days in Melbourne with the northerly blowing.  It is around 30 degrees or so outside right now.

Brian is an 80 year old neighbour who lives at the end of the Court.  I keep him up to date with movies and TV shows.  Brian also helps us out when we fly anywhere by driving us to and from the local airport.  Though 80, he certainly is extremely fit doing lots of add jobs for organizations as well as being regular golfer.

In his working life he was a house painter and recently painted our drive way for us.  Brian agreed to paint the pool filter cover for me.  The lid of the cover is made from heavy decking timber which I was oiling every 12 months or so.  The timber look of the lid was passed its best so I decided to paint it.  Brian has all the equipment and what would be an hour long job for me he would knock over in 20 minutes.

Brian painted the pool filter box for me yesterday.  You can see how it now looks in the lower photo.

These two photos show what the backyard was like a couple of years ago to what it is like now.

Click on both photos for a larger view.

We have lost the tropical look of the palms but have gained a very usable area where we can have 8 or 10 people around without being squashed into a corner.

We also now have an easier area to maintain.  The palms were growing very large and their branches would rub into each other causing the fronds to be frazzled and drop heaps of rubbish into the pool.

During heavy rain we had the problem of that area flooding and washing rubbish and dirt into the pool as well.

Since we added the drain to back area any problems with excess flooding in the backyard has disappeared.

The same area looks very different nowadays.  The massive amount of shade we get now from the cover and the blind certainly give us a lot of options when entertaining guests or having family up from down south.  There is now plenty of shade for people to spread out and relax.

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