Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Back Not Better But All Sorted

My back is still sore most mornings and slowly improves as the day progresses.  Or until the Osteo-Eze wears off.  I could take some more tablets but I don't bother.  My GP sent me for an X-Ray last week and caught up with me yesterday to discuss what was wrong.

It appears I have given one of the muscles in my back a small tear.  This explains why the Chiro told me that my back was pretty OK!  So I just have to take it easy until it repairs.  There is heaps of scar tissue there so the doctor says I could expect continuous small tears there.

And at long last we had some rain last night.  Not the wild thunderstorms the Bureau had predicted but rather continuous rain for over 2 hours. In total we got a little over 1/2 an inch.  You wouldn't know we had any rain at all as everything outside just looks dead!

The pool got a good top up but was understandably full of fine dust this morning.  After such a long dry spell dust from the pool's surrounds would have been washed in along with dust off the roof and via the water harvesting setup I have on one of the downpipes.

I gave the pool a good vacuum this morning but it needed a second go later this afternoon as the fine dust continued to settle.

As predicted, today was also a bottling day for my latest brew. I had finished vacuuming the pool and bottling my latest brew by 9 am.

But then there was a little shopping, a bike ride, a website to update, new TV series to investigate and download.  The new BBC Series "The Escape Artist" looks a likely series.

Click HERE to go to one online website I visit daily to check out the latest UK TV series.

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