Monday, November 05, 2012

Perfect Weather

The weather is perfect, not a cloud in the sky and a top of 27 today with humidity around 50% (which is low for this part of the world).  But if we had our 'rathers' I reckon we would opt for 50mls of heavy soaking rain.

The extremely dry weather means everything is yellow.  The lawns, the parks, nature strips all are yellow from a lack of rainfall.  Everything is dry and dusty!

Well not so dusty as they were a day or so ago.

We had been putting off the annual wash windows etc until we got some rain to settle the dust.  But enough was enough!  It started a week or so ago when I cleaned the blinds across the the patio in the backyard.

Then the front door and the screen door were so foul they needed a good hose down as well.  Anything with flywire was a dust trap! This then made the garage door look pretty ordinary so yesterday, Sunday, I gave it a pressure clean too.

This spurred Trish to do the inside of some windows which in turn got me to do the outsides!  I reckon we could have top dressed the front lawn with all the built up dust and grime we have cleaned off everything in the last day or so.

Come 11 am the whole house windows and flywire screens had all been cleaned!  The rest of the day was spot cleaning bits we had missed!

The pool is at last beginning to warm up.  Most afternoons sees it at around 25 degrees.  This morning it was over 22 and quite pleasant for an after bike ride swim.

We have a big Community Association Public Meeting tonight.  We are hoping for around 50 people to be in attendance with local MP's, Sunshine Coast Airport Senior Management and our Councillor all there.  As President it is my job to chair tonight's meeting.

Tomorrow is Cup Day and we will spend it with Kerri and Ian.  They head away again, back to Fiji a favorite haunt of theirs for a week on Thursday!  We are around to their place for a BBQ ... and a few drinks!

Trish's shoulder still causes her concerns and her specialist's appointment is still a week away.  It is beginning to cost us money!  Another resident also fell in the same carpark.  He has had his surgery already.  He requested that we contact his solicitor as he is seeking to have his out of pocket expenses reimbursed.  The shopping centre management doesn't return messages or emails.  Phone calls with them on the subject are treated curtly and impersonally.

We are meeting with the solicitor on Wednesday afternoon.

The 8th and final episode of Series 3 of Downton Abbey was on UK TV last night.  I have acquired that episode already.  Last night we watched the first 5 episodes, tonight (after the meeting) we will enjoy the final 3 episodes!

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