Saturday, June 16, 2012

Landline Phone Problems Return

I am a little lucky to be able to make this post late this afternoon.  Last evening the modem/router was blinking away trying to connect to the internet.  Apparently there wasn't any phone connection as well.  I was forced to contact Telstra in the Philippines to report a "Line Fault" first thing this morning.  After getting home from Computer Club around midday I noted we had dial tone again.

I was able to connect to the internet as well but the connection dropped out several times during the afternoon.

In the photo you can see two lights to the right of the modem, a blank spot and then another light.  This is not what it should be, there should be three lights on in a row.  So despite being on the internet there is still something not right.  The missing light should indicate the Voip internet phone service we use has connected but as you can see it hasn't.

I will wait till early in the week until I get back to them as there isn't much happening over the weekend.

Last night we headed out to the local Indian restaurant for tea with friends Kerrie and Ian.  It was heaps of fun but made for a very long Saturday for me.  Ian called in 'sick' this morning and not in any condition to go to Computer Club.  I wasn't far behind him!

I managed to muddle through several problems for members this morning but it was a long session.  I eventually tried a quiet ale around 4 pm.  It seemed a bit lumpy compared to what I remembered.

Trish is working at the Tourist Information Centre this afternoon and I am not sure I will see much of the footy on TV tonight.

(Added Sunday Morning).  By 5pm last night (Saturday) everything appears to have returned to normal with all services back up and running.  Don't know why!

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