Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cold This Morning But Bright Blue Sky

The wind has swung around to the south west giving us cold, clear but dry weather.  Though it is after 8:30 am it is still only around 11 degrees outside but we have a fine sunny day ahead of us.  As I edited into the post below, it seems a phone problem for everyone in our street has now been rectified and everyone is back on line.

On Sunday a couple of members of the Community Association were invited to a 'Thankyou Evening' for our retiring Councillor.  Two couples went along representing our group.  It was conducted in an upmarket local restaurant.  The meal was provided and we paid for our own drinks.  The drinks weren't cheap!

Everyone who was anyone was there.  We had the Irwins Terri, Bindi and Bob as well as Bruce and Denise Morcombe.  The Irwins require no introduction but the Morcombes are the parents of Daniel, the young 11 year old boy who was abducted from a local bus stop.  His remains were later found in a nearby swamp in a forest.  The Morecombe Foundation has grown from this incident and is aimed at child protection.

The photo was taken with my phone and in poor light.

Yesterday (Monday) I was around to a Computer Club member's home to help him install and setup a local wireless network.  We had to purchase a wireless modem router and then install it.  What should have been plain sailing was disrupted by a faulty modem/router.  It was returned and exchanged.  The second unit installed quickly and perfectly in a few moments.

It was then time to add the three computers they had to the network.  Finally we installed his new 'wireless' printer.  Though time consuming the installation seemed to go OK.  Finally I had to set up email on one of the laptops so the lady of the house could easily get her Hotmail and ISP provided email services.  The biggest hassle was getting the contacts off the old PC onto the laptop.

Each contact needed to be edited to get it to show properly.

All in all it took around 6 hours to do.  But they are just amazed at the versatility that a wireless network can provide for them.  They can now easily swap files between computers and anyone can print to the new wireless printer.  Previously one had to email the document to the PC attached to the printer and have it printed that way.

Now they can sit in the lounge room with a laptop and print to the printer situated in a different room. I must admit I was exhausted when I had finished but they are happy with the way it all works.

The final episodes of The Killing Series 2 and The Borgias Series 2 went to air in the U.S. over the weekend.  As a result Trish and I loved watching the first 5 episodes of The Killing Series 2 last night.  We will continue the series tonight and finish it off on Wednesday evening!

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