Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Extreme Conditions, Extreme Measures!

Our weather continues cold, overcast and drizzly.  It seemed wet all day yesterday but this morning there was only 1ml in the rain gauge.  That was topped off with a top temp yesterday of 17, the same is expected for today but with rain increasing.  At least it isn't cold overnight.

My trip to the cardiologist yesterday could not have been better.  A small problem with some narrowing of an artery but nothing which requires any major treatment.

As with many people my age I am now on an aspirin a day and I am having my cholesterol tablet dosage increased.  Right now my cholesterol is good, 5.1, bad 2.8.  By increasing my dosage the aim is to get the readings to under 4 and around 2.  I go back to see him in three months.

I put a brew on last Friday so I needed to do a bottle washing.  I do need dry sunny weather to dry the bottles.  With our 'extreme' weather I have embarked upon this 'extreme' measure.  The bottles, the towels from this morning's shower and the bottle tops are locked away in the en suite and the oil heater is on.  It will be like a small steam room in there!

Click on the photo for a larger view.

I am due to bottle around Friday.

Trish had some disappointing news about her sewing machine this morning.  It was playing up a bit so she contacted a guy who services them in his home. He charges around half the price the shops do.  Trish was expecting him to say it really needed replacing so she could get a new one.  Unfortunately the machine has now been serviced and is running perfectly again.

She reckons if I am getting a new TV, she would get a new sewing machine.  There may be some negotiating we could do.

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