Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Where Do You Get Your Movies & TV Shows?

I was chatting with a mate on the phone recently and I was asked, Where do you find your TV Shows and Movies?  I reckon that would be a good subject for a post on my blog page.

You can find much of the information at a website I have called "Movies, How To".  You can access it here.

I have my favorite sites I visit daily.  Click on the name to visit the site.  Sceper, ReleaseLog, Scenetube, and OneDDL just to nominate a few.  These links are to the Movie Sections of these websites and have a list of the latest movies available.  I use this mainly as a way of finding what is new for that day.  Most of the movies are the same on each site anyway.  I make sure I check the Internet Movie Data Base for a 'score' or rating on each movie.  Quite often the IMDB score is a part of the post.

If there is anything there that I might want I then go to NZB Matrix where I am able to 'download' movies.  90% of the time if they are on any of the websites above, I will find it at NZB Matrix.  You can Google NZB Matrix but you have to be a member to access what is in it.  I am a paid up member there so I can access nearly all of the stuff there.  It cost me around $10 to be a lifelong member of NZB Matrix.

TV Shows are much more difficult to check out.  I like to visit MetaCritic (Here) and check out the TV section there to see what is getting the good 'scores'.  It is a long process to keep an eye on what is happening.  I also like to check out the TV Section of the Guardian newspaper in the UK (Here) and read the reviews there.

I check each TV series out on IMDB.  Also when on IMDB I keep my eye open for "lists" that readers have created which appear on some of the TV Series I am investigating.  On one of these lists I found a series called Garrow's Law which gets a score of 8.5.  Check it out here.  I reckon that is the next series I will download.

I keep an eye on the ITV and BBC websites in the UK as well.

Another good source is the ABC iView "Drama" website. (Here).  My ISP gives me 'free' download (it doesn't count towards my monthly limit) from iView and I have discovered that I can download those programs and convert them to play on my media player.  So these movies off iView are absolutely free at no cost.

There is also the ABC's "At The Movies" website link (Here) and another website called The Film Pie which you can access here.

My ISP also gives me free access to Usenet which is a movie download facility.  This type of movie file download is available from NZB Matrix.

I share a Rapidshare Account with someone which I can use during the 10% I can't get at NZB Matrix.

I can also get TV Show download links from TV Freeload.  This is a great site for getting Rapidshare download links.  You can check out TV Freeload here.  You may need to create a free account to get into TV Freeload but that is free and easy to do.

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