Sunday, April 15, 2012

Showers On And Off

I managed to tip 14 mls out of the rain gauge this morning, most of which was due to some heavy showers overnight. At least the pool is full again and the garden has recovered from over two rainless weeks.

We spent a pleasant Friday afternoon catching up with Fred's youngest daughter Ginny. We had a good chat and enjoyed a few quiet drinks. Ginny returned to Melbourne Saturday afternoon.

I 'paced' myself a lot better at Computer Club yesterday morning, making time for plenty of chats and I enjoyed things a lot more. I have decided not to take my 'external drive' into the meeting any more. Lots of people are grabbing it to update their movies. When I eventually get it back folders are all over the place and in some cases files may be missing.

Last night we went to the RSL. John and Margaret Lehmann's daughter Renae is lead singer of a small band who were performing at the RSL. The pub style meal we ordered was OK but when you are buying beer at $4-50 a schooner it is expensive when compared to my home brew ... and the bought stuff doesn't taste as good.

I use the new little camera a bit for everyday photos for this blog page or for the Community Association website. I jumped onto eBay and ordered a small leather case for it, under $6 delivered to my front door. It arrived late last week but I didn't have it long. It now houses Trish's Canon Camera while I now use Trish's hand me down case.

With it being a bit damp outside I think we are going to have a go at moving the office around. Hopefully everything will go again after it gets disconnected, moved and then reconnected again! We will see.

The way things 'have to go' means I will need a long VGA and audio lead to connect the 'old' PC (currently under the desk) to the flat screen TV I will be using as a monitor. I need a VGA coupler to join two shorter leads together to make a lead which is long enough. Again eBay rescued my with three couplers for $2-80 from China! But it takes around 3 weeks for them to be delivered.

So the move today will possibly mean the old PC can't go where it will eventually go. The VGA leads connects the PC to the monitor.

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