Friday, April 20, 2012

All Quiet On The Home Front!

After the rushing around of last minute packing and all, today is much quieter.

On Thursday I managed to get Trish to Brisbane Airport in plenty of time to catch her flight to Melbourne Thursday afternoon. She was being collected by Kim in Melbourne around 6pm and would be spending the night with Chris, Wendy and family. Kate would pop over Friday morning and collect her and take her to Berwick.

The first thing on the agenda for Trish is to get the car doors on the car we keep down there to operate. Hopefully the problem will be overcome with new remote control batteries for the central locking system. However we will probably need to swap a door lock over to ensure entry to the car. Right now the manual opening of the car door by key isn't working.

The weather here remains very comfortable. Mid 20's most days and high teens overnight. The weather is ideal for bike riding as you can see from this photo. It is extremely pleasant doing my daily 12ks (when I can get out) and I enjoy catching up with people and sticky nosing what is going on around our estate. With the camera I just bought I can take some snaps and add them to the blog page or the Community Association website as required. It all keeps me busy and fully occupied.

After I returned home from this morning's bike ride I put another brew on. The photo shows the can the brew mix comes in. To the can's contents I add 23 litres of water, 400gms of white sugar and mix it all up. Finally in goes a sachet of yeast which comes with the can you see here.

Drinks this afternoon around 3pm so I had better get my 'casserole' sorted out so when I arrive back home I can just heat it up and enjoy my meal and watch the footy live on TV.

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