Sunday, April 01, 2012

Perfect Weather

It is beginning to cool down a little from the heat of summer. This view is quite new to us, it is the front door closed to keep the cool breeze out! The door usually remains open all the time when it is summer time.

Still no joy from the postie. I bought an item on eBay which arrived from UK in a little over a week. The DVI/Hdmi lead I am still waiting for is coming from WA and was ordered well over a week ago.

There weren't drinks on Friday so Trish and I enjoyed an hour or so in the sunshine having a 'quiet' one. The AFL footy is back on in earnest again and with the new TV rights deal we are getting every game live, it is almost like being in heaven really! Trish's team had a good win on Friday while my team went down over in the west on Saturday night. I wasn't surprised at the result. The Dockers have the best ruckman in the competition and we had one ruckman playing his first game while the other guy had around 20 games. I was hopeful they would win but not overly confident.

My friend Fred is seriously ill and will be extremely lucky to see out the month. His family are all here in Queensland now and visit him regularly. Trish and I hope to see him on Tuesday.

The great weather (max around 27 and 18 or so overnight) means I am back on the bike and riding. I did around 15k's today and mapped my ride. You can see it HERE. I haven't done that ride for some time and I had forgotten how big a couple of the hills are. I should sleep well tonight. The photo above left shows what I enjoy on my way round.

I was in the pool when I arrived back home but not for too long. It is around 23 degrees now and heading towards "Brisk".

Trish decided it was floor cleaning day! I didn't know until I jumped out from the pool. It is a two person job, one uses the steam cleaner while the other mops up any left over water from the floor. Usually we wait till we have a really cool day but once "The Boss" makes up her mind that is what is going to happen. No mention that it is going to happen, you just get back from a 15k bike ride (a little the worse for wear as well as hot and sweaty) and get into it!

Click on all photos for a larger view. Then click on the X in the top right hand corner to return to this page.

Busy at Computer Club again yesterday. One chap couldn't get any response to get his computer going. It worked much better after we turned his power on. Another lady wanted her laptop 'reformatted'. She had thoroughly prepared saving all her documents etc and the reformat went ahead without too many problems. Several others just get sick and tired of putting their password in each time they start up their computer so we managed to remove those.

Another lady wants to buy stuff online and wanted an intro to eBay. I asked her if she had a PayPal account and she said not yet. I then told her she would need to give PayPal all of her bank account details but she didn't think that was a good idea. Therefore there was no need to show her all about eBay as 99% of payments are done via PayPal!

Needless to say it was all great fun.

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