Thursday, October 13, 2011

An Update!

Weekends have turned to be a lot quieter without the footy on TV. Over the weekend I did watch a one-day cricket match and had a sneak look at a soccer match or two.

Trish flew to Melbourne on Tuesday morning out of Brisbane. Her flight left at 8:40 am and being with low cost airline Tiger Airways, she had to be checked in at Brisbane by 7:55 am. We have since decided flights departing Brisbane at that time of the day are no longer viable.

Traffic was pretty heavy and the last 30 k's or so was slow. There were periods of stop start motoring and other times you could get up to 90kph. Luckily we gave ourselves ample time to get there and Trish made it with around 5 or 10 minutes to spare.

Since Trish has been gone I have been getting stuck into outside spring cleaning. The side pathway has been cleaned of grime and built up mildew and the pavers have all been cleaned as well. I have been using a concoction of 30% chlorine, 70% water. I 'sweep' the mixture on with a soft broom, let it sit for a few minutes and then sweep it over. Finally I hose it all down. The result is spectacular!

Then I did the huge blinds we have across the back of the house. My pressure cleaner has lost a little of its oomph and didn't do a great job. This morning I sprayed a mix of 10% bleach and 90% water onto still marked areas and again let it sit for a few minutes. I then wiped the offending areas over with a towel and finally gave the whole blind a good hose down. They have come up beautifully.

The Community Association has kept me busy as well. The Newsletter is due for printing on Friday. It looks like I have handballed that one over to someone else. He came around Tuesday afternoon and we went through everything. I gave him Office 2010 as the Newsletter is done in "Publisher".

Then it was a meeting with the local Unity College Principal Wednesday morning and the follow up post onto the BeCA Website. Then back to more cleaning.

I have also managed to put another brew on as well.

A good mate from down south, John Logan, has his Mum here on the Sunshine Coast. He is coming up on Tuesday of next week for 4 nights, 3 with me and probably 1 with his Mum. That will be a good break for me to have some company as well.

Trish flies home on Tuesday October 25th.

The weather has been into the high 20's the last few days. Interspersed with my cleaning jobs have been a couple of swims in the pool. This afternoon the water temp is around 24 degrees so OK for swimming. I usually grab a swim after my daily 12.5k bike ride.

Storm clouds are brewing this afternoon and the bureau is predicting heavy rain for today and the next few days with around 100mls expected in some areas. Luckily I got all my washing dry before lunch!

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