Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Time For An Update

The weather has been sensational the last couple of days, sunny and in the high 20's. The pool temp even nudged 26 degrees this afternoon but most times it is closer to 23 when I swim after my morning bike ride.

Monday was spent tidying up loose ends, a load of washing, mow the lawns, spray Ant & Cockroach killer around all the skirting boards, that sort of stuff. All the jobs were done and the place was looking OK for Trish's return from Melbourne late on Tuesday. I did have an 'emergency' Community Association meeting to chair Monday night but that went very smoothly.

As I have said elsewhere, we have a new estate being built just across the main road near our place. People are rightly a bit upset that there will be extra traffic and no extra entry or exit to the estate. Residents want a safe new exit, the developer wants to upgrade the current single entrance and thus save a lot of money!

Remember to click on even one of the pictures to see them all in a larger size. Then either click on the "X" in the top right hand corner or on "Back" to return to this page.

Trish flew into Brisbane on Tuesday and I picked her up around 5:30pm. It is a round 180k trip to and from the main Brisbane Airport. Things will return to normal when the budget airline "Tiger Airways" returns to service the Sunshine Coast. We phoned ahead to our 'new' nearby Fish and Chips shop and collected our order on the way though.

It didn't take long for things to get back to normal, Trish was at Stitchers by 9 am this morning and I was still on my bike ride. But the swim afterwards was great. It must have hit the high 20's this afternoon which was a little unexpected as cooler weather and thunder storms had been forecast.

With all the construction work going on around 100 metres away (see above pic) and with a prevailing easterly wind we have been getting some dust off the construction site. I gave the pool a vacuum this afternoon and then decided to clean the filter. As you can see from the photo, it is easy to see where most of the dust finishes up ... in MY pool!

After sorting out the filter and cleaning the pool it looked very tempting! It was a very pleasant swim for 10 minutes or so, the water at 26 degrees was delightful and the home brew "Black Ale" sitting on the edge of the pool was even better!

Trish has Tourist Information Centre tomorrow morning, Quilters on Friday and then she and several other ladies are off for the weekend. One of them owns a holiday spot beside Lake Coroibah just north of Noosa so about 5 of them are off together. Trish brought her weekend's alcohol supply home with her today, it looks like it will be a good weekend!

I might even shout myself a little surprise too while she is away!

The 'old' computer was playing up a bit, it refused to start up. I pulled the ram out, gave it a bit of a jiggle and put it back again. I would give the video card a jiggle as well, cross my fingers and after a day or so it was up and running again. However the PC's date had reverted back to 2002 each time I restarted it. Google was my friend but I had guessed the small battery on the motherboard had died. Co incidentally it is the same battery as I use in my bike trip meter and I had a spare. A few minutes later after replacing the battery, re jiggling the ram and and the video card it is working OK again!

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