Friday, September 10, 2010

At Home Again

Our plane was delayed for about 40 minutes but it made up 20 of those during the flight back home. We grabbed a taxi at the airport and we were back home by just after 2 pm. The night before we dined with our daughter Kim and Chris, Wendy and the grandkids. Chris took us to a large Chinese Restaurant near where he lives. The had a tremendous 'special' with 50% off certain areas of the menu. Needless to say they were the menu areas we concentrated on. We ate heaps and the bill came to a little over $70 for 5 adults and two children.

Our arrival back home saw us very weary. It wasn't long until we were unpacked and things had been tidied up. Outdoor furniture was put into place, some leaves were tidied up and Trish got into some washing.

I spent time on the PC getting things copied back over from the laptop. I made some DVD's for Trish from stuff she had been given and a few TV shows I had gotten for her. Despite being a bit tired Trish headed off to Trivia while I continued to sort stuff out on my PC.

This morning I had a bike ride and did another 13 kilometres. It was windy and warm so another load of washing went on.

I had the Community Association Newsletter to finish and Trish had her Quilters one to do as well.

I got a brew on, vacuumed the pool and did some more fine tuning of the Newsletter before sending it off for printing.

Busy, busy, busy!

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