Tuesday, September 28, 2010

All According To Plan

Monday was a busy day! I cleaned the inside of the car so it now looks about as good as the outside. Cleaning inside the car isn't one of my favorite jobs .... but it is done now.

Then yesterday after lunch I washed bottles so all is ready for a bottling in a day or so.

Our spell of warm weather is due to come to a halt soon with storms later today signalling a switch to cooler southerly winds. According to a little thermometre in the backyard, it is about 29 degrees out there and a little sticky. The sky looks a little dark too! The pool was almost 23 degrees this morning after my 13k bike ride.

The external hard disk drive that was causing me problems is winging its way to Singapore right now. I contacted Western Digital support this morning and the recommendation is I send it back to WD and they will send me a replacement. It was taking 3 minutes to copy a file to it today on any of the computers I have here at home. I would have expected that file to transfer in a little more than 30 seconds usually.

Later on today I head to the Pool Shop to have the pre-summer water test and I will need to pick up a spare bag of salt too.

We were back to specialist this morning and she is pleased with the way things are looking for Trish after the excitement of the weekend. Next visit is in three weeks time.

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