Tuesday, September 21, 2010

46mls In The Rain Gauge

Sunday had been overcast with only the very occasional light shower which was not even enough to register in the rain gauge. But on Monday morning the promised rain eventually arrived. It was pretty steady all day and when I checked the rain gauge this morning (Tuesday) there were 46mls in it (almost 2" Lou Ann). Needless to say I haven't been on my daily bike ride for several mornings now.

This meant most of Monday was spent inside.

Yesterday I received a call from our Councillor asking if I was available to attend an onsite meeting in the local park to discuss the site for a new Toilet Block the Community Association had requested. That filled in some of the dreary afternoon and the rest was spent updating the Community Association website. The photo shows where the new toilet block will go. We will lose a little garden area but this seems to be the best spot, between the pathway and the tennis court.

We needed to consider proximity to services (water, power, sewerage), proximity to areas where the public will be and ensure people could get a clear view of it from the park as well as the street for security reasons. It will go where the garden area is and the back wall will form a tennis hit up wall as the rear wall will take the place of some of the tennis court fence.

Last night we watched the movie "Get Me To The Greek". Trish was bored with it while I managed to struggle through it and did get a laugh or two. I am glad I didn't have to pay money to see it. We also watched "Hachiko, A Dog's Story" with Richard Gere which was a much better movie.

The rain has almost stopped right now but showers are expected to continue throughout the week. It looks a bit gray in this photo!

I have recently 'discovered' internet radio and I have installed a program on my PC called RamaRadio. I enjoy listening to a station called KeepMusicFree 60's from the US. There are heaps of classic hits from the 60's playing almost non stop. I bought this small FM transmitter for $9 from China and it arrived yesterday. I plug the lead into the headphone jack of my PC speakers and then set an FM frequency (106.1). I go into the lounge room and set my Tuner Amplifier to 106.1 and the music playing from the internet radio station is transmitted on 106.1 from my FM Transmitter to my sound system in the lounge room where it can be enjoyed by everyone.

I previously bought an FM Transmitter for about $75 for use in the car about 6 years ago. Now you can get them from China for $9!

I just ordered this gadget for about $11 (delivered) from China. It is another FM Transmitter and MP3 player. It plugs into your car cigarette light for power and has a usb port which will take a flash drive. The MP3 player then plays the music from your flash drive and transmits it on a FM frequency which can be picked up by your car radio. Pretty nifty! Check it out HERE from a website called DealExtreme.

And if it doesn't work, it only cost $11!

Should fill in the long hours when driving from here to Melbourne!

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