Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Almost Time For A Bottling

We have been enjoying some great weather the last few days with temps getting well in to the mid 20's and higher. However the cool overnight temperatures means that the pool loses any heat it gained the previous day. It is around the 21 degree mark in the pool at the moment.

I managed to fix up that computer on Monday afternoon. It is a 5 yr old machine running XP with less than 500MB RAM. I switched off about 12 startup options that had built up over time and that allowed the PC to start a little more quickly. At its age it is lucky to be running at all.

Tuesday was bottle washing day and later that day I drove to Kawana to collect the Community Association Newsletters which we had printed. I then dropped them off locally so they can be divided up and passed on to the volunteer deliverers. They will probably go out for delivery later this week.

I have been riding most mornings since our return from Melbourne and usually manage to get about 13k's or so. It is magpie swooping season and I had my first attack from one this morning. It wasn't too vicious and hardly caused me any concern. A couple of nearby walkers got a bigger shock than I did!

Trish is at Stitchers this morning. She is the Vice President and is running things today as the President is away. Trish has decided to have her other eye done next week.

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