Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monday Was A Stinker!

Yesterday (Monday) saw our part of the world get to 35 degrees with quite a bit of humidity! The wind blew constantly from the north west making being outside like in a furnace. Usually we get a sea breeze in the afternoon but not yesterday!

The air conditioner went on at midday and stayed on! We sat back quietly and watched the cricket on TV. When the cricket finished early we watched some tennis (Australian Open) from Melbourne where it was cold and wet!

I eventually got into the pool about 4 pm and stayed there for a good 30 minutes. At 8 pm it was still about 28 degrees. The same cool change which had hit Melbourne eventually found its way up here and this morning it was down to 16! Today will be low 30's again and sunny but we should get the sea breeze this afternoon.

On Sunday we again had Paul, Linda, Tony and Angela around. The pool was a popular spot again. It was heaps of fun, we were celebrating Linda's resignation from her job!

Meanwhile in Melbourne grand children Charli and James were a flower girl and he a page boy for a friend's wedding. They look pretty dapper don't they!

The computer club on Saturday morning was just flat out for me too. There were people wanting to know about Facebook, another wanted to be able to receive her emails on her new Windows 7 laptop while others wanted to know how to remove programs etc. It was so busy I hardly had time for a chat!

Today will be a day for bottling my latest brew. Then I have to sort out my computer backup to external drives. I have rearranged a few things with the computer so I need to finish that off. Trish is off to do some work at the Tourist Information Centre this morning!

Last night we watched the new Sherlock Holmes movie. It was quite enjoyable but more like Raiders Of The Lost Ark with Harrison Ford than any Sherlock Holmes I remember! But it was fun to watch! It is worth having a look at!

My computer continues to run very well. I guess the RAM problem had been simmering there for some time and may have been causing a few hiccups for me.

The shoulder I hurt while digging for the new concrete is 95% better now too.

1 comment:

Texas Lou said...

Yes, your little grandchildren do indeed look "dapper". They are pretty and I enjoyed looking at them opening their Christmas presents several posts back

When you wrote about the heat and feeling like a furnace outside I shuddered. That type of weather will find its way back here all too soon for me.