Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday's News

Temperatures here remain in the low 30's with a cooling sea breeze most afternoons. The hottest part of the day is usually late morning before the sea breeze rolls in.

The 'gecko' from the front of the pool filter cover has been replaced by a green frog. We are looking at sorting out the fences around the pool in the backyard. The back fence has gaps up to 1cm between the palings and this offers little or no privacy with our neighbours over the back. I have decided to put another row of palings to cover up the gaps. The remainder of the fences will get a new covering of screening too. You can see some of the current screening I have used in the photo. Hopefully all will be completed early next week. The brush screening along the back fence has thinned out and looks pretty ordinary.

The big highlight for us has been to see the old English pop group from the 60's, "The Searchers". They performed at the new auditorium at the RSL Club. I booked tickets soon after bookings opened in December so we were right up the front. Tony, Angela, Paul and Linda joined us. As Tony said, the haven't lost "it" from the 60's, they were just fantastic. After the concert they come out to give autographs, sell CD's and be available for a chat or a photo. I am not sure but would you call the people in the back row of the photo "Groupies"?

The two guys on the right (above) are originals from the 60's pop group. John McNally (second from the right) is 68 but can sure play the lead guitar. He has a "Byrds" jangly guitar style and is a highly professional musician. I really enjoyed "Mr Tambourine Man". The guy second from the left is Spencer James who was lead singer with a one hit wonder group from the 70's called "First Class". Their one big hit was "Beach Baby". He can really hit the high notes and performed a sensational version of "The Rose". As you can see it was a fun night.
I am a little seedy this morning not helped by a 14 kilometre bike ride! Later today we have a "Home Brew Appreciation Society" meeting at Tony's. I have the cricket on TV again today as well!

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