Saturday, January 16, 2010

Big Computer Back From Repair!

No it wasn't the power supply causing my problems, it was RAM becoming loose in a slot which caused them. When computer RAM becomes loose, sometimes the connections are OK, then the next time there is poor connection. Therefore it would start sometimes and at other times it wouldn't.

From what some of the repair guys say at the Computer Club, this can be a common problem. One repair guy carries some spare ram with him when he does a computer repair job and the first thing he does is swap his good ram for the current ram and see if that solves the problem.

The repair guy at the shop we took it to (and where I bought the PC) did say to Trish that my computer was now well over two years old and was probably up for upgrade some time in the near future. I was planning to upgrade it later this year! And just to show that it is working OK, the screen shot (left) was just taken and shows how the screen looked while I wrote this post!

We have another fine day and low 30's again! Yesterday afternoon Tony came round for a 'meeting'. We went over updating web pages then later we all met at Bulcock Beach in Caloundra for a walk through the "Friday Market".

Yesterday was a bottle washing day so now everything is "go" for bottling in the next day or so. The photo shows the bottles sitting filled with water and some bleach to ensure they are clean. This is a warm job in the current weather! The pool was a great spot afterwards. And yesterday I always have the cricket to watch on TV too.

Last night we watched the recent George Clooney movie "Up In The Air" which is being suggested for this year's Academy Awards. Though an enjoyable film it did not seem to be anywhere as near as good as 2009's nominated movies!

Today I have Computer Club and then more watching cricket on TV. Needless to say the pool will be a popular spot too.

I have updated our possible travel dates for 2010 in the bottom right hand corner of this blog site. You will need to scroll right down to the foot of the page to find these dates.

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