Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Another Bottling Completed!

Tuesday was spent quietly around here! Trish did her half day at the Tourist Information Centre while I did another bottling of my latest brew. This time it is a Black Beer. It will be ready to drink in a couple of weeks. However the boxes containing the new brew are on the bottom of the pile and will take a month or so to get to the top and be consumed. This is just about the perfect time to be able to drink each brew.

Trish continues to enjoy her volunteer work at the Info Centre and loves meeting people from all over the world.

After bottling 32 bottles all the equipment has to be carefully washed and dried. Drying is easy on these warm days. Failure to dry the equipment fully can lead to mould growing in the fermenter!

I sorted out all my External Hard Disk Drive (HDD) backing up. As my movie download collection grows, so too does my need for more storage and backup space. I have four external drives for storage. The silver ones seen on the left in the photo nearest the printer is the oldest and has only 160GB capacity. It now stores my "Downloaded Applications". These are computer programs I have collected over the years. The HDD beside it has 320GB capacity and stores all my Data stuff, mostly data contained in "My Documents". And the third drive to the right of the monitor is 750GB drive and is where I store my downloaded movies, TV Shows etc.

The 750 GB drive has a power switch at the back of it which doesn't always work. I am sure that one day I won't get the thing to power up at all. So I have a 4th 1TB HDD which backs up everything! This the drive I take when I head down to Melbourne or around to someone's place to do some file swapping.

I do have a 5th External Hard Disk Drive which is a 500GB USB powered drive I attach to the Media Player in the lounge room. It has most of my movies as well as much of my Music Collection on it. Being USB powered, it does not require a power supply to plug in to a socket to get it to go. The HDD is the smaller black box in the photo. It connects to the TV as well as the Audio Visual Receiver which in turn connects to my Surround Sound Speaker system.

Trish often laughs at all my external HDD's!

Another comfortably warm day today getting in to the low 30's. The pool will be the place to be later today. Our daughter Kim has passed another exam, she wasn't too confident on this one but she seems to have done well with it.

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