Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Lovely Sunny Warm Wednesday

We can at last say we have recovered from our recent trip to Melbourne. It took a couple of night's rest and some quiet times but both Trish and myself are feeling much improved.

I am back to the daily bike ride and Trish has now been to the Gym a couple of times. Yesterday afternoon it was time to put another brew on so that filled in an hour or so. The weather continues summery so the pool was a popular spot for both of us. I think I was in the pool four or five times during the day.

Today Trish is catching up with a friend for coffee then doing some shopping. I have had a bit of Computer trouble but that 'appears' to be OK now.

The computer wouldn't start, the disk drive activity light would run for 10 seconds and then stop! I turned it off for an hour and pulled the electricity plug out. This ensured any residual memory left from the push button shutdown after it froze was eliminated. After sitting for an hour I plugged the cord back in and it started OK. It again froze after a couple of minutes. This seemed to indicate a problem with one of the startup features I have running and in this case I think it was a weather update utility.

I quick System Restore from "Safe Mode" put the PC back to where it was 36 hours ago! A message came up saying there was a problem with the weather utility, I uninstalled the utility, then downloaded the latest version and reinstalled it. All now seems OK!

When in Melbourne we were given a Convection Oven to try. Using a conventional oven here in summer heats things up too much so this was seen as a cooler alternative. The oven did not have any instructions with it and being a 'cheapie' there wasn't a company download site from where we could get a copy. After some internet searching a site was found with some information. The roast chicken Trish cooked in it was great and there wasn't a huge amount of heat generated from it when cooking!

Tonight we are going Thai again with Paul, Linda, Tony and Angela.

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