Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wednesday's Chatter

Whilst we were at the Brew Shop getting Tony fitted out to embark on his home brewing on Monday, the shop owner gave us details of a lady whose husband had been a keen home brewer. Unfortunately the gent had become sick and had passed away earlier this year. His wife was keen to tidy things up and offered all her husband's brewing gear to anyone who was interested.

Tony and another mate jumped at the opportunity and visited the lady on Tuesday. They got a couple of fermenters, heaps of bottles, a capping machine, crown seals (lids), a bottle drying 'tree' and other bits and pieces. The two guys are returning to the lady's house on Friday to take any surplus gear to the tip to help her out. Tony just went from a small operator to big time!

I put another brew on this morning as you can tell from today's photos. I use 'filtered' water in my brew. This brew had a half a lemon in it again. When a brew goes on that always means the inevitable washing 30 plus bottles needs to be done too.

Our night out last night was pleasant. The food at the Thai Restaurant isn't the best in the world but it isn't expensive and it is pretty laid back. We dropped in at the RSL on the way home where both the ladies enjoyed some success with the pokies (slots). I didn't feel I over indulged in drinks last night but I awoke this morning with a head ache and not feeling the best. I don't think it is swine flu but rather some ailment which was self imposed!

Another chilly night last night (12 degrees) but today is a glorious sunny day with the temp expected to get into the mid 20's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What??? No update on the computer?? Kim