Sunday, April 26, 2009

Anzac Day Comes and Goes.

Australia celebrated Anzac Day yesterday. This is a day where Australians and New Zealanders remember those who died in all wars and conflicts. Anzac (Australia, New Zealand Army Corps) Day is celebrated on April 25th, the anniversary of the first big battle involving Australian and NZ troops when they landed at Gallipoli in Turkey in 1915.

This year Anzac Day fell on a Saturday so many functions conducted each Saturday morning, (children's sports events) went ahead as usual. Even the Computer Club here in Caloundra went on 'as usual' though numbers were down.

All the photos on this post were taken this morning during my bike ride.

On Friday I was back around at a mate's place assisting him to set up his WDTV Media Player. We had a go at organizing some of the files he now has (including well over 200 movies) on his hard drive. We added some music stuff too as well as a few TV shows. Then Friday afternoon was a bottling day for my home brew. This time I bottled a 'lager' which had brewed with half a lemon in it. This creates an easy to drink tasty brew.

Trish went to her Quilters group as usual on Friday morning.

It was Computer Club for me on Saturday then back home to become a couch potato and watch the footy on TV.

The days have been beautiful and sunny. Temps are into the high 20's these days again but into the high teens over night. The cold weather currently buffeting the southern states will get up here tomorrow so we are expecting low teens overnight and mid 20's and sunny for much of next week. We are now entering the driest time of the year with sunny but cool days and about 10 or so overnight. This is the time of year when caravaners from the southern states begin to head northward for the warmer winter weather.

I did a 10k bike ride this morning without my 'mate'. He is a Vietnam Vet and was enjoying Anzac day with some of his army friends south of Brisbane. Today he is probably 'drying out'! I reckon a walk along the beach later this morning might be pleasant too.

1 comment:

Tony said...

ANZAC Day went well, started at 0428hr. with a Dawn Service and then a gun-fire breakfast at the Beaudesart RSL. 1130hr and we had the march down the main street of Beaudesert for the community servict, then it was back to the RSL for a game of two-up.I stayed away from this so I still have some money in the pocket. About 1800hr I had all I could eat and drink and retired to the motel. Home safe and sound