Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday's News

The weather has continued cooler with very few showers. Daily temps now get to mid 20's or slightly above and overnight it gets down to about 17 degrees or so.

I have been removing some shrubs from the small front garden we have. I only do one shrub at a time because that is all the room we have in the Garden Recycle bin!

I went to Computer Club on Saturday and I was able to help a few people out. One lady had purchased a laptop and had been told it required an Internet Security package. She was sold Kaspersky which is one of the better products. However her laptop kept telling her to update her anti-virus software. When she checked Kaspersky, she was told all was up to date.

It appears she had a version of Norton Internet Security previously installed (about which she did not know) on her laptop and the two programs were not co-operating. I uninstalled Norton for her. Norton is an invasive program and even though you uninstall it, many parts are left behind. You need to download a Norton Removal Tool to really get rid of all of it. We did this and eventually got rid of it. Now her Kaspersky is working perfectly. The pic shows all the removal tools available from Norton!

Needless to say, when asked Norton is not one of the Internet Security Suites I ever recommend. Another Computer Club member has invited me around to sort out the security on his computer Wednesday morning.

The local organisation I am involved with (Bellvista Community Association -BeCA) had a newsletter to deliver this weekend and I had my 100 or so deliveries to make. We wanted the web address of the Association Blog page to be in the Newsletter. However a mistake was made and instead of putting the blog web address in, the address of the unofficial web site went in. It was very much a 'trial' and unofficial website. I quickly updated it over the last day or so to make it up to date and not just an 'example'. So now the Unofficial Interim Website has become the Official Interim Website. You can check it out here.

We are off to a BBQ later this afternoon with one of the guys I have become involved with at BeCA. We have been riding our bikes together the last few mornings.

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