Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pavers Update

If you are a regular follower of the blog you will have read that we have been having a problem with the pavers around the pool. The surface is wearing off them and some of the aggregate is beginning to show through.

I have been to the people who sold us the pavers and voiced my concerns. A company representative has visited our home and has seen what we are talking about. He took photographs and eventually discussed the problem with the paver manufacturer. He was then planning to visit our home again and take a sample damaged paver back to have further discussions.

I had a call from him yesterday asking if it would be possible for a chap to visit us and look closely at our pavers. He is an independent specialist in pavers and their problems. He arrived early this morning (7:30 am) and on his hands and knees inspected the worst damaged areas.

It was his conclusion that a unique mix of the pavers we purchased, the advice on caring for them that we had been given, the nature of our salt pool and the environment in which our pavers had been installed that caused the sudden wear. He explained that people's ideas on caring for pavers after installation had been much improved over the last few years. He went on to say that problems such as ours occurred in about 2% of situations with a similar unique environment. he also said that the problem we have is 90% solvable.

He also intimated that the Paver Sales company would be very keen to look after us as valued customers. Repair costs could be about $1500.

He is reporting back to Amber Tiles on his observations and conclusions tomorrow. He took a small sample of the pavers with him for future repair color matching.

A chilly start today with a min of 9 degrees! A lovely sunny 25 degree day followed.

The guy I ride with has decided to embark again on home brewing. We went into the Caloundra Brew Shop yesterday and set him up with all the gear he needs.

A third bike rider joined us this morning for our rides. He is Paul, one of Tony's neighbours. After a 10k ride I headed back to another mate's place for some more computer setting up. We got his HD TV to work on his computer and later set up his webcam too.

We also spent time working on his movies which he loves watching on his WDTV HD Home Theatre.

I also set him up with the software he needs to be able to download movies to watch via this little wonder.

It was an interesting morning. Tonight we out to Thai with another lady we have recently met while on our bike rides.

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