Thursday, April 30, 2009


Trish had her day at Stitchers yesterday morning and I spent time on the computer visiting my 'regular' sites. We did a 14k bike ride today and the pics in the the post today were all taken while on the ride. Tonight we are off to the Caloundra Events Centre to see a Paul Kelly concert. It should be great.

On Friday evening I was recording a TV program via my computer. The house lights flickered and the Audio Visual Receiver clicked off! Usually the microwave goes off too but not this time. I checked the PC and saw it was restarting so the electrical problem must have been enough to turn the PC off too. It seemed to restart OK but as I had missed 5 minutes of recording I didn't worry about the show I was recording.

From then on my PC problems happened. The screen stopped working and the PC would not readily start up or turn off. I may have to restart it several times before it would boot up OK. I got the screen working again via a different connection at the back of the PC. After a couple of days the computer seemed to settle down and start OK but would hang right at the end of "Shut Down".

Yesterday I had a look at the TV recording program I have installed on my PC and saw that all my TV tuned stations had been wiped so I had to reset it all up again. Since then the PC has been starting up and shutting down perfectly. Hopefully my problems are over.

Our ride this morning was down to Pumicestone Passage. There were 3 of us riding this morning. The top pic is where we ride on the roadway behind the airport, the middle pic is the pathway and the bottom pic is today's view across Pumicestone Passage.

We have two printers, the second we bought after my scanner died. This printer (MP210) is an all-in-one printer and scanner and cost about $60. Needless to say the replacement ink cartridges cost a total of $80! The other printer (i350)used cheap refills I can get off eBay at about $2 each! I started to get an error message on the i350 saying the Overflow Tank was full. I have since learned that means you have to throw the printer away as it cannot be repaired ... planned obsolescence. It went into the bin yesterday!

I bought a spare 'Black" refill for the MP210 which cost $40! The color refill costs even more at $43. However a little research indicates I can have them both 'refilled' for about $40! Still a lot dearer than my i350 refills at $2 each.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wednesday's Chatter

Whilst we were at the Brew Shop getting Tony fitted out to embark on his home brewing on Monday, the shop owner gave us details of a lady whose husband had been a keen home brewer. Unfortunately the gent had become sick and had passed away earlier this year. His wife was keen to tidy things up and offered all her husband's brewing gear to anyone who was interested.

Tony and another mate jumped at the opportunity and visited the lady on Tuesday. They got a couple of fermenters, heaps of bottles, a capping machine, crown seals (lids), a bottle drying 'tree' and other bits and pieces. The two guys are returning to the lady's house on Friday to take any surplus gear to the tip to help her out. Tony just went from a small operator to big time!

I put another brew on this morning as you can tell from today's photos. I use 'filtered' water in my brew. This brew had a half a lemon in it again. When a brew goes on that always means the inevitable washing 30 plus bottles needs to be done too.

Our night out last night was pleasant. The food at the Thai Restaurant isn't the best in the world but it isn't expensive and it is pretty laid back. We dropped in at the RSL on the way home where both the ladies enjoyed some success with the pokies (slots). I didn't feel I over indulged in drinks last night but I awoke this morning with a head ache and not feeling the best. I don't think it is swine flu but rather some ailment which was self imposed!

Another chilly night last night (12 degrees) but today is a glorious sunny day with the temp expected to get into the mid 20's.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pavers Update

If you are a regular follower of the blog you will have read that we have been having a problem with the pavers around the pool. The surface is wearing off them and some of the aggregate is beginning to show through.

I have been to the people who sold us the pavers and voiced my concerns. A company representative has visited our home and has seen what we are talking about. He took photographs and eventually discussed the problem with the paver manufacturer. He was then planning to visit our home again and take a sample damaged paver back to have further discussions.

I had a call from him yesterday asking if it would be possible for a chap to visit us and look closely at our pavers. He is an independent specialist in pavers and their problems. He arrived early this morning (7:30 am) and on his hands and knees inspected the worst damaged areas.

It was his conclusion that a unique mix of the pavers we purchased, the advice on caring for them that we had been given, the nature of our salt pool and the environment in which our pavers had been installed that caused the sudden wear. He explained that people's ideas on caring for pavers after installation had been much improved over the last few years. He went on to say that problems such as ours occurred in about 2% of situations with a similar unique environment. he also said that the problem we have is 90% solvable.

He also intimated that the Paver Sales company would be very keen to look after us as valued customers. Repair costs could be about $1500.

He is reporting back to Amber Tiles on his observations and conclusions tomorrow. He took a small sample of the pavers with him for future repair color matching.

A chilly start today with a min of 9 degrees! A lovely sunny 25 degree day followed.

The guy I ride with has decided to embark again on home brewing. We went into the Caloundra Brew Shop yesterday and set him up with all the gear he needs.

A third bike rider joined us this morning for our rides. He is Paul, one of Tony's neighbours. After a 10k ride I headed back to another mate's place for some more computer setting up. We got his HD TV to work on his computer and later set up his webcam too.

We also spent time working on his movies which he loves watching on his WDTV HD Home Theatre.

I also set him up with the software he needs to be able to download movies to watch via this little wonder.

It was an interesting morning. Tonight we out to Thai with another lady we have recently met while on our bike rides.

Monday, April 27, 2009

PC Startup Problems

I haven't gone to tears nor threatened suicide just yet but there are some distinct signs the computer is experiencing some startup hassles.

The last couple of times I have started my PC the screen hasn't come on! I have had to swap the screen PC connections around to get it to work. I am on my third start up configuration right now for today and all is working but not perfectly. This could be just a glitch or it could be a sign I have a problem with the mother board, the graphics card or a problem with software. It really needs to be 'tested' professionally to diagnose the exact problem.

If I can't get it to run properly it is back to the PC shop for three days!

So if I am 'off air' for a few days, the PC has had a nasty happening!

Updated Tuesday April 28th: The PC has been behaving reasonably well with no further major catastrophes. (Fingers Crossed)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Anzac Day Comes and Goes.

Australia celebrated Anzac Day yesterday. This is a day where Australians and New Zealanders remember those who died in all wars and conflicts. Anzac (Australia, New Zealand Army Corps) Day is celebrated on April 25th, the anniversary of the first big battle involving Australian and NZ troops when they landed at Gallipoli in Turkey in 1915.

This year Anzac Day fell on a Saturday so many functions conducted each Saturday morning, (children's sports events) went ahead as usual. Even the Computer Club here in Caloundra went on 'as usual' though numbers were down.

All the photos on this post were taken this morning during my bike ride.

On Friday I was back around at a mate's place assisting him to set up his WDTV Media Player. We had a go at organizing some of the files he now has (including well over 200 movies) on his hard drive. We added some music stuff too as well as a few TV shows. Then Friday afternoon was a bottling day for my home brew. This time I bottled a 'lager' which had brewed with half a lemon in it. This creates an easy to drink tasty brew.

Trish went to her Quilters group as usual on Friday morning.

It was Computer Club for me on Saturday then back home to become a couch potato and watch the footy on TV.

The days have been beautiful and sunny. Temps are into the high 20's these days again but into the high teens over night. The cold weather currently buffeting the southern states will get up here tomorrow so we are expecting low teens overnight and mid 20's and sunny for much of next week. We are now entering the driest time of the year with sunny but cool days and about 10 or so overnight. This is the time of year when caravaners from the southern states begin to head northward for the warmer winter weather.

I did a 10k bike ride this morning without my 'mate'. He is a Vietnam Vet and was enjoying Anzac day with some of his army friends south of Brisbane. Today he is probably 'drying out'! I reckon a walk along the beach later this morning might be pleasant too.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Current Hot Topic In US.

Here is an article Lou Ann emailed me from her local paper in Texas. It is a bit scary isn't it? Thanks Lou Ann. There are numerous comments at the end of this article which I have NOT included because of the size. Those comments are even scarier!

But I have included one comment at the foot of this post.

Shortage of guns, ammo reported

A year ago, Doyle Gray had 50 to 80 rifles and handguns in inventory at the gun shop he manages in Abilene. Today he has about a half dozen firearms on hand.

In the past several months sales on guns and ammunition at shops in the Big Country are shooting up since customers fear changes in gun laws at both the state and national level.

Shortages in guns and ammunition are trickling down from the suppliers to the retailers.

"We haven't had any pistol ammo for two weeks," said Gray, who manages the Shootin' Shop on North 6th Street. "The factories are running 24 hours a day, and we still can't get any ammunition."

Other shop owners are experiencing the same problems.

"We are running out daily," said Greg Riggins, manager of Frontier Sportsman, on South 14th Street. "I've never seen it like this in the 15 years that I have been in the business."

Gun and ammunition retailers attribute the shortage in guns and ammo to the November presidential election. "There is one reason, and that is the president," said Gray.

Gray and others say the fear that the Obama administration may follow through on campaign promises to increase taxes on guns and ammunition and to reimpose a ban on assault weapons may be driving the surge in sales and the shortages.

"People are in panic mode," said Gerry Laing, manager of Weakley-Watson Sporting Goods in Brownwood. "I can't keep ammunition -- what used to sell in two weeks is selling out in day."

According to a recent story in The Wall Street Journal, purchases of guns and ammunition are surging across the country. Nearly 4 million background checks -- a key measure of sales because they are required for the purchase of a gun from a federally licensed seller -- were performed in the first three months of 2009.

That is a 27 percent increase over the same period a year earlier, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Last fall Beverly Sullivan, who lives in Mills County, had to wait six weeks before she received her new .45-caliber handgun. She also had to wait to receive the ammunition.

"I wanted to buy a case of ammunition, but the store owner wasn't selling it by the case because he didn't have enough," Sullivan said.

Most folks are looking to buy handguns from .22-caliber to 9 mm varieties. Consequently, the requests for concealed handgun licensees are rising.

Gene Hackman, who teaches concealed handgun classes in Abilene, says his class enrollments have increased since January.

Texas issued 73,090 licenses in fiscal year 2008. The state requires applicants pass a training course, pass a criminal-background check and be at least 21 years old. The number of licenses issued since January was not available from the Texas Department of Public Safety.

"But we have noticed a definite uptick in the number of applications we have received since January," said Tela Manage, spokeswoman for the DPS.

Some consumers are buying assault rifles because they believe if an assault weapons ban is reinstated, the rifles could become collectors items. Currently an AR-15 rifle sells for $1,000 and up.

But statements from the White House indicate there are no imminent plans to ban such weapons.

Between 1994 and 2004 it was illegal to manufacture weapons in the banned categories, but weapons already in circulation could be resold. The law also prohibited stores from selling ammunition magazines able to hold more than 10 rounds.

"We had one gentleman come in recently and buy two (AR-15) rifles because he said he could get a better return on them than he could on a CD at the bank," Riggins said, adding that he is completely out of that model. "I have a waiting list."

Some say retailers are fanning the rumors that Obama may try to place restrictions on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, even though statements have come out of the Obama administration saying that the president supports the Amendment.

Earlier this month, Sen. Craig Estes, R-Wichita Falls, filed Senate Concurrent Resolution 54 to express opposition to federal legislation infringing on the individual right to keep and bear arms.

The resolution reasserts our "right to keep and bear arms to protect oneself, one's family, and one's possessions from either the lawlessness of other people or the tyranny of the government."

Senate Concurrent Resolution 54 specifically opposes the Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record Sale Act of 2009 filed in Congress, which would require all firearm owners to apply for and carry a federally issued license to keep a firearm in their home.

"I urge our members of Congress representing Texas to do all they can to stop the Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record Sale Act of 2009 from being passed into law and to help stand firm for our rights," Estes said in a recent news release.

This article contains material from The Associated Press.

Comment from the original (I corrected the person's English and spelling for them):

When your right to carry a gun trumps my right to life liberty and a pursuit of happiness the country is done.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

And Now The Bottles Have Been Washed

Tuesday, another glorious sunny day with temps to get to the mid 20's after a coolish 14 overnight.

I rode on my own yesterday but this morning my 'mate' Tony joined me. There are some very pretty spots around where we live and the photo to the left is a great example of that. This pathway winds its way beside a creek and connects a park to a small side street.

However we can still see what remains of the very heavy rain we received at the beginning of the month as this photo shows. This is the wettest part of today's ride and it has dried up quite a lot from even a few days ago but it is still a bit sloppy!

Remember to get a bigger view of each photo you can click on the photo but remember to click on "Back" to return to this page.

I have just finishing washing 30 bottles for next bottling and they are currently drying in the sunshine. Trish is doing a half day volunteer work at the local Tourist Information Centre

At last I had a ring from the guy who is looking after my paving concerns. With the tougher economical times his company have added further responsibilities to him so he is a lot busier nowadays. He is collecting a sample damaged paver from me in early May to take to the manufacturer for them to see what has happened. His call to me made my day!

Our estate continues to grow with most blocks now sold. Houses continue to be built but not quite as many as there were during the building boom time. We had a Community association Meeting last night (Tony is the Secretary) and we had a bit of a chat about issues relating to the meeting timetable for the next few months. We aim to give people as much warning as possible so they can mark their calendars and make sure they get along. The thought is the next big "Community" meeting be conducted on a Saturday with a BBQ.

Tonight Trish and I are going to "Spirit Of Tibet" in Mooloolaba for dinner. One of the guys from the Computer Club is after a bit of help with setting up movie downloads and his WDTV Media Player. He loves hot spicy food too so the "Spirit" is a great place for us to head out tonight.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Sunny Sunday

There is hardly a cloud in the sky and there isn't a ml in the rain gauge. After experiencing 475mls (19 inches) of rain in the first two weeks or so of April the skies have cleared and warm sunny weather has returned to the Sunshine Coast. We are expecting 26 or so today so it will be a lovely day.

The printer had decided to play up yesterday. I was getting a message saying a waste ink absorber was full and needed to be emptied. However this was a $75 job at your nearest Canon repairer. I think it is a part of planned obsolescence. I found a little program on the net which got rid of the 'warning' every time I went to print. This morning we tried to mop all the excess ink from the 'pads'. We put it back together again but everything did not go perfectly, the printer now prints OK but sounds a bit like a truck!

I mixed another brew of beer on Friday and again I put half a lemon in. It will be a refreshing drink with the added lemon. I tidied up around the house, mowed lawns and washed the car. Then it was time for a quick and brisk swim. Swimming season is just about over. I now have a bottle washing session due for early in the week ready for a bottling about Thursday if all goes to plan.

Saturday it was back to Computer Club to help a few people out. My new bike riding mate Tony came with me and it looks like he will become a more involved. He found it very interesting. This morning we rode down to Pumicestone Passage and enjoyed a great view. Altogether we did over 13k's today.

I have the inside of the car to clean today and a few other jobs like tidying the BBQ etc.

It seems our young family next door will be moving out in about a month. Her parents have arrived up from Melbourne (Mooroolbark) and are planning to live here. They are looking for a dual occupancy place. So we have 4 adults and 2 kids next door right now. We won't miss the loud music, the noisy kids and the raised voices when they go.

I have had a couple of chats with the "Dad". He and his wife are one eyed Collingwood fans so we had plenty of footy to discuss.

Trish's footy team Hawthorn (which beat my team to win the premiership in 2008) was beaten again yesterday. They are off to a shocker of a start to the season. My team had a good win last night. Nearly all of this week's matches are available to us live on TV this weekend so my chores need to be out of the way by lunchtime!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Just An Overnight Shower

There was a very short shower of rain overnight which did not really even register in the rain gauge. Today is another glorious sunny day with temps around 27 degrees. I took a 10k bike ride today even though things were a little damp on some of the pathways! This afternoon I am around to another mate's place to see if we can set up a small home wireless network so he can swap files between their two laptops.

Trish had a call from her sister Pam yesterday. She and her husband have 'discovered' touring in a small motor home seen here to the left. They are currently in Western Australia (W.A.) and have travelled from Perth to Broome. Lou Ann, that is about 3000K's (or almost 1900mls). The distance between towns over there can be hundreds of K's so it can be a long boring trip. The town of Broome is very popular for tourists and is on the northern coast of W.A. It was formerly well known for its pearl industry.

One of the towns they passed through is called "Horrocks" which was Tricia's maiden name. There is also a Mt Horrocks out there too. This pic was obviously taken on the town's outskirts.

I am very pleased to report all is well with my PC again. I actually turned it off as well as removing the power to it for almost 30mins yesterday afternoon. This totally and completely 'wiped' the memory so that whatever had caused it to jam was fully cleared. It is back to working very well. It was torrid 90 minutes or so for me when it wouldn't work properly!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

At Last, A Dry Day

We had another four inches of rain on Monday, 108mls to be exact! That now makes a total of 474mls for April or a whisker under 19 inches! That is a lot of rain! Today was a warm 29 degrees so needless to say after the rain it is very steamy. One of the towns just inland was flooded for the second time in two weeks!

On Sunday evening we had a beaut BBQ with new people I have met through the Community Association. A bit of 10 pin bowling on the Wii was a bit of fun too. Monday was spent indoors out of the rain. We managed to watch a movie or two I had downloaded on the TV.

On Tuesday it was a bit of forced day out after being stuck inside the previous day. We went to a Shopping Centre for a bit of grocery shopping and a good look round.

Today Trish was to her "Stitchers" while I went around to a bloke's place to help him with his laptop. He is older than me and has had his laptop for a couple of months so he was eager to learn. Then they gave both Trish and me a lovely roast lunch.

When we arrived back at home it appears my PC had suffered a bit of a shock. It was sssslllloooooowwwww! It appears several movie files I was downloading became corrupted and as long as they were on the desktop, things would remain slow! I eventually got them onto an external drive and was able to rename them to what they should have been via Trish's laptop!

I got a scare, believe me! Right now all is running perfectly again. I also did a System Restore but that did not seem to do anything! We will just have to wait and see how it goes. Everything is backed up!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday's News

The weather has continued cooler with very few showers. Daily temps now get to mid 20's or slightly above and overnight it gets down to about 17 degrees or so.

I have been removing some shrubs from the small front garden we have. I only do one shrub at a time because that is all the room we have in the Garden Recycle bin!

I went to Computer Club on Saturday and I was able to help a few people out. One lady had purchased a laptop and had been told it required an Internet Security package. She was sold Kaspersky which is one of the better products. However her laptop kept telling her to update her anti-virus software. When she checked Kaspersky, she was told all was up to date.

It appears she had a version of Norton Internet Security previously installed (about which she did not know) on her laptop and the two programs were not co-operating. I uninstalled Norton for her. Norton is an invasive program and even though you uninstall it, many parts are left behind. You need to download a Norton Removal Tool to really get rid of all of it. We did this and eventually got rid of it. Now her Kaspersky is working perfectly. The pic shows all the removal tools available from Norton!

Needless to say, when asked Norton is not one of the Internet Security Suites I ever recommend. Another Computer Club member has invited me around to sort out the security on his computer Wednesday morning.

The local organisation I am involved with (Bellvista Community Association -BeCA) had a newsletter to deliver this weekend and I had my 100 or so deliveries to make. We wanted the web address of the Association Blog page to be in the Newsletter. However a mistake was made and instead of putting the blog web address in, the address of the unofficial web site went in. It was very much a 'trial' and unofficial website. I quickly updated it over the last day or so to make it up to date and not just an 'example'. So now the Unofficial Interim Website has become the Official Interim Website. You can check it out here.

We are off to a BBQ later this afternoon with one of the guys I have become involved with at BeCA. We have been riding our bikes together the last few mornings.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Some Great One-Liners (Thanks Keith)

Sign over a Gynaecologist's Office:

"Dr. Jones, at your cervix."


In a Podiatrist's office:

"Time wounds all heels."


On a Septic Tank Truck:

Yesterday's Meals on Wheels


On a Plumber's truck:

"We repair what your husband fixed."


On another Plumber's truck

"Don't sleep with a drip. Call your plumber."


On a Church's Bill board:

"7 days without God makes one weak."


At a Tyre Store

"Invite us to your next blowout."


On an Electrician's truck:

"Let us remove your shorts."


In a Non-smoking Area:

"If we see smoke, we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action."


On a Maternity Room door:

"Push. Push. Push."


At an Optometrist's Office:

"If you don't see what you're looking for, you've come to the right place."


On a Taxidermist's window:

"We really know our stuff."


On a Fence:

"Salesmen welcome! Dog food is expensive!"


At a Car Dealership:

"The best way to get back on your feet - miss a

car payment."


Outside a Car Exhaust Store:

"No appointment necessary. We hear you coming."


In a Vet's waiting room:

"Be back in 5 minutes. Sit! Stay!"


In a Restaurant window:

"Don't stand there and be hungry; come on in and get fed up."


In the front yard of a Funeral Home:

"Drive carefully. We'll wait."


And don't forget the sign at a


"Best place in town to take a leak."


Sign on the back of yet another

Septic Tank Truck:

"Caution - This Truck is full of Political Promises"

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Another School Teaching Gem.

I received this in an email overnight.

After being interviewed by the school administration, the teaching prospect said, 'Let me see if I've got this right: 'You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits, censor their T-shirt messages, and instill in them a love for learning.

You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their sense of self esteem and personal pride. 'You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote,balance a checkbook, and apply for a job. You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and make sure that they all p
ass the state exams.

'You want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicaps, and communicate regularly with their parents
by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card.

'You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for food stamps. You want me to do all this and then you tell me..................'I CAN'T PRAY?'

There is another post with all today's news below this one.

It's Thursday

We are due to get a few showers back today (for a change) and this is expected to extend to rain periods over Easter. Brisbane's water supply was down to 18% a couple of years back. It is now over 51% and still rising after the recent rain. This recent heavy rain has had a bit of a toll on our new estate. Some homes experienced a 'sewage overflow' on another area last weekend. As we are a new area the thoughts are that some builders may have illegally connected storm water pipes into the sewage system therefore causing the system to overflow. The photo above left shows what some people awake to during the rain.

I caught up with a mate this morning and we rode our bikes around the estate. Here is more work going on clearing storm water drains of weeds etc. Receiving 13 inches of rain in a few days did extend the storm water system to its maximum capacity and was a good test for future reference.

The weather earlier during the ride was a little wet with a minor bit of drizzle about. It is mid morning as I type this and there is now a steady shower of rain outside.

Just as we finished the ride I noticed so 'canvas' showing through on my front tyre. It looks like I have had a bit of rubber 'sliced' from the front tyre. We have an old spare bike so it was just a matter of swapping the tyre over.

Kim has bought herself a 'new' car. The 4WD soft top Suzuki has been a great reliable car for her but is beginning to require a major overhaul. With another cold Melbourne winter about to begin Kim went looking for something with a bit more comfort. She now has a black Honda CR-V with which she seems very happy.

Hope you liked the school teaching post above this one!

(It is ot as good as the "Teddy" story from March 16th but it is still OK.)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

No Rain To Report

Life has moved into "recovery Mode" following Rainy's return to Melbourne. Our meals have dropped in size and certainly the number of wines Trish has enjoyed recently has dropped as well. A few heavy showers on Tuesday night still left over an inch in the rain gauge. There was half a ml there today (2 points), not worth recording!

So far in April we have had almost 13 inches of rain.

It has been a PC couple of days for me. Another member of the Computer Club had a problem with his computer so I went around to do an XP System Repair Install for him on Monday. However the computer's behaviour was very strange and not at all how I had expected it to be. We decided to go down the Warranty road to have it repaired. He had bought it at a shop called IT Warehouse in December 2008. That chain of stores no longer exist in Queensland so all repair work has to be done interstate.

I went back to his place again today and this time we were given a couple of diagnostic programs to run on his sick PC. As it turns out the Hard Drive is not responding. This could be a power problem, a lead problem or his hard drive has died. Looks like it is going down to Melbourne for repair!

Then yesterday while Trish was on "Tourist Information Service" another mate came around to investigate downloading and showing movies from over the internet. It was a bit of fun!I reckon I should be selling these. About 8 people from the Computer Club have bought them, mainly for showing movies downloaded from the internet.

Temps the last day or so have been cool for us. Yesterday was a grey, cloudy, 24 degrees. Later in the afternoon I reached for my Bazza Shirt, the first sign that winter is on its way. With today being dry, I managed a 10k bike ride this morning. There was a nip in the air and about 18 degrees.

Hopefully I will catch up with another mate tomorrow morning and we will do the 10k ride together if weather permits.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

More Rain & Then It Disappears

I happened to take a quick look at the rain gauge about 3;30 am on Saturday morning and saw that we had 8mls during the night to that time.

Then the downpour started again with heavy showers until dawn. During a break in the showers just before 8 am I was able to tip 60 mls from the rain gauge. Then it started again and in the next 50 minutes a further 43 mls fell. We had had over 4 inches of rain in about 5 hours.

As I type we have had about 290mls (or just under 12 inches of rain) since Thursday. This continuous heavy rain has completely flooded our street Saturday morning. This photo looks towards the end of our court and shows the walkway through to the main road. There is a 'valley' just through there about 1 metre deep so the water in that area is over a metre (4'). The rain stopped about 9 am with a further 43mls in the gauge. Again the pool did not overflow. There is a small overflow outlet but with 12 inches of rain, I have lost 12 inches of salt water through the overflow. The pool did need a bag of salt yesterday.

When I returned from my Computer Club Meeting there was no sign of any flooding at all! The day developed into a beautiful sunny day, so much so our guest Rainy had a swim in the pool late yesterday.

We have more heavy rain forecast for later today and it may continue to be showery until Thursday!

Rainy flies back to Melbourne today after spending a week with us. The weather hasn't been kind for her visit here but the ladies did have a great time together.

Daylight Saving finished overnight in the other east coast states so our times are all back to normal again.

I keep a copy of my rainfall figures online HERE The sheet is divided into 4 quarters so you may have to click on Q2 (bottom left hand corner of the screen) to get April's records.

Friday, April 03, 2009

All Safe And Well - But It Is Wet!

Since the rain started about 5 am yesterday I have tipped 183mls out of the rain gauge. In old speak that is about 7 1/2 inches of rain. We had that over 26 hours or so. At no stage did our pool look like overflowing.

For the first time in our memory there was water covering our street from the end of the court to back beyond our home.

Most of the heaviest falls were north of Noosa away from the beach. Those areas had over 450mls (or about 18 inches) and are about 80 kilomtres (50 miles) from our home. The heaviest rain usually falls inland from Noosa so these heavy falls tend to be well away from where we live. It is wet here in Caloundra but all this means is the garden doesn't need watering for a few days.

Though we have grey skies right now (7:30 am) it is relatively dry outside. The photos are from the local paper web site and were taken around Maroochydore yesterday about 20k's north of us.

More rain tending to showers is predicted for today

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Noosa Fun

Trish and Rainy had a long and tiring day yesterday visiting Eumundi and the market and then heading on to Noosa. The surf Club at Noosa has just been renovated and the balcony area is a great spot to sit, enjoy the view and have a cool drink. The girls mentioned there were a few 'white pointers' on the beach (Lou Ann, this is Australian for "topless sunbathers".) Noosa was quite busy despite it not being a holiday time of year. The recent storms here on the Sunshine Coast have washed nearly all the sand from the beach at Noosa as you can see in the shot below. Extensive sand pumping is going on to get the beach ready for the Easter break. Noosa is famous for its beautiful protected surf beach. Usually all these rocks are covered with sand.

From Noosa they made their way down to Coolum which is probably the best surf beach on the Sunshine Coast. As you can see from this shot the surf is really pumping right now.

We went to a local Thai Restaurant for dinner last night and had a very pleasant meal.

About 5 am today the skies opened up and the rain we had been promised started to fall. And rain it sure did. As I type this at 11 am we have had almost 3 inches of rain and it doesn't look like stopping for some time. I just took this 'screen pic' from the webcam which is situated at Bulcock's Beach. Today isn't good beach weather!

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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Around Town

Tuesday was spent 'around town' with our visitor. A morning walk along the "Boardwalk" (see left) brought us to the sea water pool at the top end of Kings beach. There has been quite a swell rolling in from the Pacific Ocean and the surf is really pounding. Even though we are 4 kilometres from the water you can clearly hear the surf. This shot below was taken looking back down along King's Beach. The waves have left a small 1 metre cliff in the sand so rough have the seas been.

From there it was to "Dicky Beach" named after the SS Dicky which was beached during a cyclone many years ago. Usually you can't see this much of the ship's remains but again the strong swell has washed much of the sand away leaving more of wreck exposed. Rainy and I walked along the beach before returning to catch up with Trish at the Dicky Beach Surf Club for a cool refreshing drink.

It was such a beautiful warm day it was decided to spend the rest of the day either in or beside the pool. As we were going to the RSL for tea I was the designated driver and had little to drink to ensure I was fine to drive. We enjoyed the afternoon with nibbles and drinks.

The meal at the RSL was very acceptable. There was live music too and Trish enjoyed a successful flutter on the poker machines. She also did very well on the chocolate machine winning a bag full of chocolates.

It was a great day enjoyed by all. We headed for bed about 11pm.

This morning Trish and Rainy headed off 60k's north of here to the Eumundi Market and then to have a good look around Noosa. The market is not my scene so I stayed home. However I have been known to enjoy the pub over the road from the market ... but not today!