Sunday, February 03, 2008

Wet Sunday

Showers and some heavy rain has put a stop to bike riding these last two mornings. I tipped another 59mls of rain from the rain gauge this morning and then removed a large Cane Toad from the pool. The golf club did its trick much to the delight of the local 'black ravens' (or better known as crows!) as they came in for their brekky!

On Saturday morning I headed off as a guest to the Sunshine Coast Computer Club. There were a few winces of pain and looks of disdain when I mentioned I had 'that' program and I managed to get it for free off the internet. I have since discovered thoughts such as this (pirated software) are strictly taboo!

But it was a bit of fun and it was great to assist some people with their computer stuff. One older lady was there with her 2 year old laptop and she had never done a scan for spyware in that time. She downloaded and installed Spybot Search and Destroy, updated it with the latest definitions and then discovered she had over 500 pieces of spyware on her laptop which Spybot then removed! The laptop runs a bit better now! She was also getting an error message as she started her computer up each time. Via Google, we discovered it was something to do with the laptop 'overheating' (a continual problem she has had with this laptop) so we are hopeful a System Restore will solve that one. Needless to say, I enjoyed myself, even if I found some of the stuff a bit basic.

Many of the people there (about 70) are older women. It is great to see them having a 'go'. They are eager to learn about their new found 'toys'. I was interested to see a scanner there which does 35mm slides. This is something I am very keen to learn about when I go back next Saturday morning.

And I fixed my Skype up too. I can now get video in via the "Call Tab". I went back 1 version of Skype to 3.5, installed that and the video now works. We spoke with Kate, Arj, Charli and James on Friday afternoon and had the video working too. As soon as Charli sees herself on the screen she begins to sing, count to 20 and then claps her own performances.

James just sits there, wondering if he is hungry again yet. He just smiles and is always happy. Nanna (Trish) really loves it!

Kate and Arj have been a bit ill with a 24 hr virus lately!

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