Thursday, February 07, 2008

Storms Hit The South East Corner .. But Not Here!

The radio was predicting severe weather conditions for all of S.E. Queensland yesterday. Strong winds, flash flooding and heavy rainfall totals were predicted. I put a weather cover over the BBQ and strapped it down, removed loose items from the backyard and kept my eye the weather radar on the computer. There is a link to the radar on the right hand side of this page "Brisbane Weather Radar Loop".

Radio reports came in of places receiving 4 inches (100mls) of rain in an hour or so, of flash flooding and even of the death as a teenager who body surfed down a flooded drain way until he caught his foot and was drowned. Parts of Brisbane were under water, cars and houses were flooded and the radar showed heavy rain all around Caloundra. The sky blackened, the wind picked up and eventually drops of rain started to fall on us. But that was all!

This morning I tipped 2mls (8pts) out of the rain gauge! Such is the way the weather can be so localized here.

I enjoy playing around with this blog page. For an interest I also keep rainfall totals for the year and I have just discovered "Google Documents". I now can upload my rainfall charts into Google Documents available for anyone to see. Under Les' Links on the right hand side of this page is a link to "Les' Caloundra Rainfall Figures". here you can see how I set this up. It is easy for me to update and I can do it from any PC anywhere in the world.

For those overseas, if you roughly divide the totals by 25 you will be able to easily convert mls to inches. 100mls divide by 25 = 4 inches. Our current total for the year is about 375 mls, divide this by 25 and you get 15 inches so far in 2008!

A nice sunny day today expected to get to low 30's! With all the recent rain it will be humid though.

Trish went to "Stitchers" club yesterday and enjoyed the gossip going on. She even won the fruit and vegie tray which they raffled. Trish was very proud of herself.

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