Saturday, February 16, 2008

More Photos From Slides

I went back to the Computer Club today and converted some more slides into .jpg files for the computer. Our kids must hate when I do this!

Our two two girls were on their way to a birthday party when this shot was taken. They had their presents to give and were all dressed up in their "Penang" clothes. This photo was taken in our backyard in Penang Malaysia almost 30 years ago. They look pretty pleased with themselves don't they?

Devi was our 'Amah" when we lived in Penang. As a part of the deal of being allowed to work in Malaysia (at the RAAF School catering for Australian Airforce servicemen's children) we had to employ a 'local'. Devi did most of the cooking, the cleaning and looking after our children. Chris was at school and Kate and Kim were still at home. This meant Trish 'had' to play sport, do crafts and shop to fill her time in! Tough life wasn't it? Remember to click on the photo for a bigger view, then click on "Back" to return to this page.

The final photo is of Chris carrying Kim. This was not the backyard but it is what we could see outside our back door.

We were in Malaysia for 1977 and 78.

Showers and quite cool today. The temperature will really struggle to get to 25 degrees. The cool overnight weather means the pool cools off too. But it won't take much for it to heat up again!

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