Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Quiet And Pleasant Sunday

This morning there were 14 mls (a little over half an inch) of rain in the gauge. A coolish breeze and a morning pool temp around 24 degrees. After I had vacuumed the pool it was off on a 10k bike ride around the estate we live on. I had a look through a house being built on a small block similar to ours. However it had a 'double' garage (more like 1 1/2 garage) and because the house size is limited to 50% of the land size, the larger garage meant you had smaller rooms. It was three bedrooms but you would struggle to fit a double bed into the two smaller rooms. I reckon our setup is pretty reasonable with a single garage and a garden shed to hold the 'extras'.

Here is another photo I took from slides while at the Computer Club yesterday. It is Chris' 5th birthday party and it was taken in the 'school residence' at Hoddle's Creek. I was the Head Teacher there at the time with one other teacher and about 50 kids. It was a beautiful spot in the country. We have some great memories of family BBQ's held in the backyard of the residence at Hoddle's Creek.

Trish's sister Pam's son Simon became a Dad recently and this photo came through of the proud mum and dad. We don't see too much of them but Trish and Pam try to catch up when we get down to Melbourne. The two sisters spend much of their time together talking about respective grandchildren.

Facebook is all the rage today on the internet for socializing. Our two daughters Kate and Kim both have Facebook pages and use them to remain in contact with their circle of friends. They also use Facebook to swap photos and have pages of pictures of a day out they had at the races or a party or anything. I too have a Facebook page but it is pretty bare right now. I tend to use the blog to share our news.

Trish likes to browse the photo collections there too. The photo above is taken from Facebook and is of Kate's daughter Charli on the swing at the playground near their house and this photo to the left is kate's other child, James. Needless to say, James is smiling, he is always smiling ..... unless he is hungry!

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